End of the year, it's"/>

IPVA Exemption: See who has the right


Exemption IPVA: see who has the right ” width=”1024″ height=”683″/>

End of the year, it's time to calculate the expenses, use the 13th salary to pay the heavy debts and if

Although many motorists do not simply pay no tax on automotive goods, there are serious risks

With the deferred tax, it is not possible to obtain a vehicle license, which should be done every year, if accidentally a policeman stops the driver in a blitz, the car can be apprehended to be with the

 Exemption IPVA: see who has right

The headaches do not stop the. The owner will receive by mail a letter indicating the payment of his debt to Detran.

Instead of having the name included in the Serasa or CPS, the individual will be denied what it is agreed to call the "active debt", which becomes even more complicated,

To be able to retire, the owner of the car must prepare the cover. It is necessary to pay the IPVA delayed and with interest, there are still fines to be regularized, in addition to having to pay for the days when the vehicle was in the yard stopped.

 IPVA Exemption: See who has the right

In 2018, many drivers do not pay IPVA. We can see some examples: in Rio Grande do Sul, 150 000 owners did not move; 494,000 people in the Federal District; São Paulo recorded 6 million in July and 351,000 in the state of Bahia

Exemption IPVA: who has the right?

Although it is not widely disseminated and clear to society, the IPVA exemption exists. Many Brazilians are entitled to the benefit, but they do not even know it. To get an idea of ​​the lack of information, one in three people are exempt from payment of motor vehicle ownership tax.

 IPVA Exemption: See who has the right

This exemption is divided into certain categories, which are: physical or mental disabilities and limitations, certain chronic diseases and the year of your vehicle.

The first step is to determine whether you have the right to obtain benefits and to seek out from your choice the responsible body in your city. make a request. But what are the reasons for the exemption? As incredible as it may seem, there are many situations and to facilitate understanding on a case-by-case basis, we operated a division below:

Exemption from IPVA due to illness

L & # One of the least known causes is the exemption of some physical or mental illness. Here are the most unknown ones.

 Exemption of IPVA: see who is entitled

Amputation; see the list with everything that frees the driver for non payment of IPVA. Arthrodrese; L & # 39; arthritis; Arthrogryposis, post-surgical prostate cancer; Heart disorders; Surgery of the column; Knee surgery; Fist surgery; Surgery and / or injury to the shoulder; Chondromalacia Patelar; Mental handicap; Visual impairment; Parkinson disease; Shorten the limbs; Multiple sclerosis; Scoliosis; accented; Ankylosing spondylitis; Stomach; Hernia de Disco

The list goes on: Renal insufficiency; Repetitive traumatic injury (RSI) Bad training Mastectomy; Dwarfism Diabetic neuropathies; ostomy; Paralysis; Cerebral palsy; Polio; Serious problems in the column; Femoral prosthesis; Internal or external prosthesis; quadrantectomy; HIV; Carpal tunnel syndrome; Chronic tendinitis; Tétraparèse; Quadriplegia, among others

 IPVA Exemption: See who has the right

As we have mentioned, people who are taking cancer treatment also have the opportunity to do so. São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Piauí, Goiás and Pernambuco are the states that offer the possibility

Exemption IPVA to have the car stolen [19659012] Nothing is more right than to be exempted from paying the IPVA when the car was stolen or stolen. In some states, the victim who has already paid can also claim the money back.

Even though the car is found by the police, the owner can be reimbursed.

 Exemption IPVA: see who has the right

It is important to note that the State Department of Transit returns proportionately, that is to say that you have paid R $ 2,000 IPVA and remained three months without a car due to theft or robbery, in this case,

The States that return the proportional value are as follows: Pernambuco, Sergipe, Bahia, Maranhao , Brazil, Paraíba State, Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso do Sul, Federal District, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Tocantins, Amazonas, Rondônia, Roraima, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. of a process.

 Is IPVA: see who called it

Piauí has ​​legislation, but it has not yet been regulated.

In the case of Amapá, which does not return some of the money, the state offers the possibility of being reimbursed by

For states that have the possibility to repay the amount paid, it is necessary to be attentive to the smallest detail, because each requires different procedures, such as Boletim de Ocorrência (BO), or seek the secretary of finance.

Exemption of IPVA according to the age of the vehicle

There is also an exemption for older models. Currently, the year of the vehicle for the release of payment varies from one state to the other.

 IPVA Exemption: See who is entitled

Acre, Goiás, Rio Grande do Norte and Roraima are the regions that benefit the most from old vehicles. The four offer exemption to models whose manufacturing date is greater than 10 years

Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Federal District, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Para, Paraíba , Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Sergipe and Tocantins work with 15 years from the date of manufacture.

 Exemption from IPVA: see who is entitled

Alagoas, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul are the most rigid states.

In Minas Gerais and Pernambuco, the reduction is progressive depending on the year of the car. Now, in Santa Catarina, there is an advantage for vehicles manufactured until 1985.

IPVA Exemption: see who is titled

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