Google Maps opens new Android sharing menu faster


Google Maps was starting to create a new sharing menu, similar to the one promised by Dave Burke, Android development manager at Google, last November. Burke said the company is preparing a new interface for this menu, which would not only be faster, but also easier to use.

The native Android sharing menu is quite slow and loads into "plots". By touching the icon to send something externally, the cell phone first loads a range of application options accepting that content, and a few seconds later you see a series of specific contacts already related to some of the most used applications

This slow two-step loading often creates confusion for users and may allow erroneous or unnecessary ringing.

The new open menu in Google Maps includes a side-scrolling carousel for contacts and other specific applications. There is also a field in which you can search for people not belonging to the first carousel

Most users of version 10.6.1 are already taking advantage of the novelty, which seems to have been activated remotely by servers . actually loads very quickly, but the contact options are always loaded for sending via email. For example, there is no shortcut for you to send a location directly to a specific person in WhatsApp. In this sense, the new interface is inferior to the old one.

 google maps Sending the location via e-mail never works] We do not know, however, if this will continue or if Google is still testing new possibilities for this new sharing menu. In any case, during our tests, all attempts to share a site directly via e-mail were incorrect, which indicates an evolution still in progress.

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