Raquel Dodge asks the STF to open five more investigations to investigate Temer | Politics
Attorney General Raquel Dodge on Wednesday urged the Federal Supreme Court to open five new investigations to investigate President Michel Temer.
Also on Wednesday, Raquel Dodge denounced Temer for corruption and money laundering crimes in the publishing of the "Ports" decree. The president denies the irregularities.
The Federal Public Prosecutor denounces the President for the third time. It will be for the House to allow the justice of the peace to badyze the case. In the other two complaints, MPs ended the investigation and the cases will only resume when Fear leaves the presidency.
Raquel Dodge wants January 1, when Temer leaves Plbadto, investigations on the president are sent to the judges of the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
The prosecutor explained that Temer could not be denounced for some of these facts because the Constitution prohibits a president from answering for facts that do not refer to the mandate.
"Given the imminent expiration of the mandate of the authority conferring a functional prerogative to the Grand Court, I demand the initiation of an investigation and its immediate withdrawal as of January 1, 2019, "said Dodge.
Raquel Dodge denounces Temer in the harbor investigation
Check out the requests for information requested by the PGR:
Raquel Dodge denounces Temer in the investigation of the ports [-Suspectéedeblanchimentd39MoneyquiaquityisecommittedbyMaristel'safricainadhereceivedfromthedownofthepropertytoSãoPauloellandwasduringJanuary12019thecasepbadesintheextensionofthedecisionoftheFederalCourtofSaoPaolo
– Suspects reported by the informer Jose Antunes Sobrinho said that a payment of R $ 1.1 million had been paid in 2014, at the request of João Baptista Lima Filho and Minister Moreira Franco, with the consent of Michel Temer.If the project is the subject of an investigation to Eletronuclear, Dodge requests that the 1st
– Contractual presence of Argeplan / Concremat by the Court of Justice of São Tomé and Príncipe Paulo, with indication of services not rendered and overcharging in a cont rat valued at about 100 million reais. Dodge says that since Temer was the true owner of Argeplan, he would have taken the job. He asks that on January 1, 2019, the case concerns the continuation of the decision of the Federal Court of São Paulo.
– The plaintiff Flávio Calazans and the internal audit of the company Pérola S / A report suspicions concerning an alleged fictitious contract with Argpelan for the provision of a service of 375 R $ 000 in the port of Santos. He asks that, if he appears before the Federal Court in Santos as of 1 January 2019.
– Suspicions of irregular contract between Argeplan Arquitetura e Engenharia and the company Fibria Celulose S / A, d & # 39; a value close to R $ 15.5 million, in addition to the relations between Construbase Engenharia LTDA and the PDA project and architectural management – 58 transactions were made between 09/09/2010 and 20/08/2015, for a total of R $ 17,743,218.01. He asks that on January 1, 2019, the case concerns the continuation of the decision of the Federal Court of São Paulo.