Meteorologists explain 81ºC of thermal sensation in Antonina, on the coast of Paraná Antonina, on the Paraná coast, has recorded high temperatures in recent days and has caused discomfort in recent days.


  The sensations of temperature in Antonina have an explanation, say the meteorologists (Reproduction)
the residents. But more than that, the thermal sensation at Antonina also draws attention to the weather conditions: 81 ° C Tuesday (18), while the thermometers were at 44.3 ° C

Sentiment at Antonina

According to Simepar, the high thermal explanation at Antonina has an explanation . For meteorologists, the calculation depends on the high temperature and humidity. In the case that occurred on Tuesday, it is the combination of thermometers that reached 43 ° C as well as the humidity of the air, that is 49%.

Weather Forecast for Antonina

According to Simepar, weather forecast for from Antonina in Antonina weather forecast for Antonina weather forecast for Antonina this Wednesday (19) predicts a maximum of 40 ° C – which can once again give the thermal sensation in the city. Temperatures are expected to remain high above 35 ° C by Saturday (22).

Summer at Antonina

Tuesday's heat surpbaded Friday's numbers (14), when 43.9 ° C was recorded on thermometers and the thermal sensation reached 65.5 ° C Actual temperature [19459008ThehighestrecordedatAntonina in 2018, was on December 15 when residents and tourists faced 44.9 ° C. However, that day, according to Simepar, the thermal sensation was below 78, 2 degrees Celsius.

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