Check this list with 9 vegetable foods rich in protein



Peanut is an ideal snack, rich in protein and rich in fiber and magnesium. Many studies suggest that it is a formidable food to lose in fat because it contains a large amount of monounsaturated fat, called good fats.

It is also possible to take advantage of this food by consuming peanut butter, as nutritious as the whole vegetable. It contains 16% of calories in protein, or 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of food.


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Soybeans are a vegetable source of protein that contains the most essential amino acids, with the exception of methionine. However, the combination of soymilk and cereals can make up for the lack of nutrients. Every 100 grams of soy contains 15.7 grams of protein.


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Oats are a fiber-rich cereal that boosts metabolism and provides satiety. . In addition, this delicious cereal is also rich in protein and contains many minerals and antioxidants. Almonds are rich in protein and a superfood rich in fiber, vitamin E and magnesium.


Almonds are rich in protein and a food rich in fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. Quinoa

Quinoa is a cereal containing high quality or high biological value protein. It is a complete source of amino acids because it is ideal for building muscle and burning fat. Each serving of 100 grams of quinoa contains 12.1 grams of protein.

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These are delicious and nutritious legumes, rich in iron, copper, magnesium and other nutrients. An excellent choice for those who want to incorporate herbal protein into their diet. Each gram of grams contains 23 grams of vegetable protein.

Sprouted grain bread

This bread made from a mixture of grains, legumes and nuts contains many nutrients and a large amount of fiber. One slice contains 4 grams of protein.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain nearly 20 grams of protein, have low caloric value, lots of fiber, iron, zinc and magnesium. Another superfood ideal for snacks between meals


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Each slice of 100 grams of couscous contains 15 grams of protein. It is an ideal cereal to replace the rice once in a while. They contain fiber and carbohydrate slow absorption.

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