"The Seventh Guardian": 5 questions to (try) to understand the novel of the nine – 21/12/2018


After all, what is the connection between Leon and Luz?

It seems that until now, a relationship as mysterious as Leon's with Luz (Marina Ruy Barbosa) lies in the fact that he is actually the father of the girl in "The Seventh Guardian" . This is due to the fact that, while he was still human, he was related to Neide (Viviane Araújo), who ended up getting pregnant with the young woman. Later, she would lose her daughter that she was always looking for.

The big problem is that the ages do not beat: the light is about 20 years old. Only Leon had been bewitched years ago, that is, it was not because of his relationship with Neide that he had been punished.

The site "TV News", partner of UOL considers two possibilities: first, the girl also has powers, does not age and can even be 50 years old. This, however, contradicts Neide's claim that she is looking for her missing daughter 20 years ago.

The other theory of Leon had another son in the past and this Light was conceived while he was already cursed. In this case, he would have become a man for a while, would have spent a night of love with Neide and would be gone before needing to be a cat again. Can you understand?

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