All you need to know about headaches


It's Friday night, the expedient is over and you're ready for happy hour. But an unforeseen event puts pleasure at risk: a progressive headache that ends up becoming a nuisance. Believe me, you are not alone. According to the Brazilian Society of Headaches (SBCE), headaches (or headaches) are very common symptoms in humans and responsible for about 10% of total consultations in the treatment units. basic health care.

Still according to the institution, it is estimated that about 95% of people have or will have headaches at some point in their lives. The problem may be caused by more than 200 different clinical conditions, ie there are differences, for example, between migraines and sinusitis, known to all.

Neurologist Daniel Paes, director of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, explains that the treatment of headaches related to sinusitis, for example, is aimed at sinus problems.

– In this case, treatment of sinusitis itself corrects the cause of the headache. If the cause is acute, the use of antibiotics is likely – he explains. To help differentiate the source of the problem, the doctor explains the most common types of headaches, their origins, symptoms, and possible treatments. Check it out:


Causes and Symptoms:
This type of headache affects 20% of women and 8% of men and manifests itself in symptoms such as throbbing pains that usually only affect one side of the head. Pain is badociated with visual changes, nausea, vomiting and intolerance to light and sound.

The most common causes are eating, drinking alcoholic beverages, lack of sleep, emotional tension, menstruation and medications that dilate the vessels.

drugs for direct action in case of crisis or prevention for those who present with frequent trouble, in addition to the behavioral guidance directed to the factors that trigger the pain.

Tension Headache

Causes and Symptoms:
less heavy than migraine, is the most common variant of headaches and has effects on the entire head, with pain on both sides and without the presence of other symptoms.

on the basis of drugs and on the identification of aspects that intensify the pain, such as muscle contractions of the cervical and scapular area. In this type of situation, physical medicine is also used.

Neuralgia of the Skull and Facial

Causes and Symptoms:
less frequent variation than the first two, is caused by abnormalities in the transmission of the nerves of the skull. The pains take the form of "pinches" and are intense.

medications and, in case of insufficiency, surgery may be necessary.


Causes and Symptoms:
Among the less frequent variations, the pain comes from the sinusitis itself, that is to say from the obstruction of the paranasal sinuses, causing a sensation of weight and an alteration of the flow in the head.

In this case, the treatment will attack the sinusitis itself. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, tropical intranasal drugs, or even surgery may be necessary.

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