Rafael Island will receive only the millionaire prize of "The Farm" in 2019 – 21/12/2018


The winner of the last edition of "A Fazenda" of RecordTV, Rafael Island, will always end in 2018 in poor condition.

This is because the price of the millionaire to which he is entitled after the victory "drip" on your account after the expiry of your temporary contract with Record.

This should only happen in January or until February.

In addition, it is easy to remember, although Record announces the price in the form of R $ 1.5 million, Rafael Ilha Alves, 45, will deposit in the account only 1,087,500 R $ 00.

This is because it is up to him to pay 27.5% of income tax because of the premium, which is gross.

Rafael Island has an exciting meeting with his daughter after the event.

Universa: What "The Farm" says about the country's mentality

This week began strong rumors that Island would not even touch the money.

On Rafael's advice, he and his attorney deny that a request for a blockage was made and that there was no debt to pay.

It would also be necessary to notify the registration, and this is only when the publication of this text.

Facebook This is a fakeews, he summarizes the island. ] And site Ooops

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