With low membership, the "yellow vests" manifest again in France | World


France began with occasional protests against so-called "yellow vests" even after the announcement of government subsidies last week. But the adhesion to the demonstrations of this sixth consecutive Saturday is weak and the mobilization loses its vigor.

According to the Agence France Presse, there was a demonstration in Ventimiglia, on the Italian border, and small groups gathered in front of the Paris Opera and the Champs-Elysees Avenue. Elysees, the epicenter of previous events. But the situation was calm, with the discreet presence of police.

The cafes and restaurants of the Champs-Élysées have prepared to welcome the guests. Police have called on Parisian companies to "stay alert" on a very important day for Christmas shopping. Some "yellow vests" provide for "economic actions", including the blockage of shopping centers.

A demonstration was convened for the Palace of Versailles, located 20 km southwest of Paris and welcoming millions of tourists each year. As a precaution, the mayor of Yvelines, Jean-Jacques Brot, ordered the closure of the site.

Demonstrations were also planned in Lyon, Toulouse, Orleans and Brittany. [Lesvestesjaunesmanifestentcesamedi(22)àVintimilleenFranceàlafrontièreitalo-Italian-Photo:ValeryHache/AFP"UnemanifestationdegiletsjaunesaeulieusamediàVintimilleenFranceàlafrontièreavecl&#39;ItalyItalyPhoto:VALERYHACHE/AFP"src="data:image/jpeg;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"/> <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Yellow protest Jackets Saturday (22) in Ventimiglia, France, on the border with Italy – Photo: Valery Hache / AFP "title-" Yellow vests are demonstrating this Saturday (22) in Ventimiglia, France, on the border with Italy – / / /.

The unknown manifestations of this Saturday is the number of participants.

The unknown manifestations of this Saturday is the number of participants. Since the peak of November 17, with 282,000 demonstrators, the mobilization continued to decline: on November 24, there were 166,000 people, on 1 and 8 December, 136,000 and last week, 66,000. The tenth victim Related to the demonstrations of "yellow vests" was recorded this Friday, when a driver hit a truck that had been stopped during a blockade on a highway near Perpignan in the south of the country.

Untiring Demonstrations

The movement of yellow vests was born of a mobilization against the rise in the price of gasoline, but then aroused the displeasure of the rural population and aroused various claims. Tirelessly, the demonstrations took a violent air, but they did not lose the support of the population, which finally convinced the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to take up the challenge.

Macron announced last week a series of measures to reduce the crisis. These include the increase of the minimum wage, the abolition of a new tax for pensioners receiving small pensions, exemption from taxes and social security contributions for overtime and the possibility of an "exceptional bonus of 1 000 € ". workers who earn less than 3,600 euros.

One of the protesters' claims still on the streets is the referendum on citizen initiative, which the government has promised to study. The government demands the end of the demonstrations.

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