Workers who have not yet withdrawn their bonus for 2016 must hurry up. Beneficiaries have until December 28 to search for a branch and withdraw the money. The deadline was originally June 29, but was extended after a resolution of the deliberative board of the workers' badistance fund (Codefat).
You are eligible for the 2016 Basic Pay Bonus at least at PIS / Pasep. five years, officially worked for at least 30 days in 2016, with an average monthly pay of at least twice the minimum wage, and his data were properly informed by the employer in the annual report of information social (Rais).
The amount of each worker has the right to work formally in 2016. Anyone who has been employed throughout the year receives the full amount, which equates to a minimum wage (R $ 954). Those who worked for 30 days only receive the minimum value of 1/12, and so on.
Private initiative workers should apply to the Federal Savings Bank. The consultation can be done in person, on the Internet or by telephone at 0800-726 02 07. For public servants, it is Banco do Brasil, which also provides information in person, on the Internet or by telephone on 0800 -729 00 01.
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