Workers born in December can withdraw their salary from PIS | Tocantins


The sixth installment of the 2018/2019 wage premium has already been paid. This month, workers born in December receive the benefit. In the case of the officials who receive Pasep, there will be more looting this year.

According to data from the Ministry of Labor, more than R $ 1.3 billion will be paid to 1.7 million workers throughout the country. Account holders who receive SIPs from the savings bank deposited the amounts on December 11th.

The calendar for the year 2017 began to be paid in July for people born that month. Persons born between January and June will receive in 2019. The resources of all beneficiaries will be available in the accounts until June 28, 2019.

For those who receive Pasep, the next payment date will be January 17, 2019 , when the benefits will be paid to the servers whose registration ends with the number 5.

The PIS / Pasep is also paid for the year 2016.

The person who was registered at the PIS / Pasep at least five years in 2017 and formally worked for at least 30 days that year. In addition, the monthly pay may not exceed two minimum wages and the employee's data must have been properly informed by the employer.

The amount of the benefit is proportional to the time worked. Those who worked all year earn a minimum wage of R $ 954 and those who worked only 30 days receive the minimum value, which is 1/12 of the minimum wage.

Employees of private companies are linked to PIS and withdraw money from Caixa Econômica. The balance can be viewed over the Internet by entering the PIS number and a pbadword, which can be registered at the time of the consultation.

The public employees, meanwhile, are linked to the pasep and receive by the Banco do Brasil. The scale can be viewed in an application available for smartphones.

To withdraw the PIS payment, a worker with a citizen card and a registered pbadword can go to the Caixa self-service terminals or to a lottery house. If you do not have a citizen card, you can receive the value in any Caixa branch, upon presentation of an identification document.

Information on PIS can also be obtained by calling 0800-726-02-07 from Caixa. The worker can also make a request at in Query Payment. For this, you must have the NIS number (PIS / Pasep) in hand.

See how to locate the PIS number on the Internet.

Officials who have the right to Pasep must check the deposit. If this has not happened, they must look for an agency of Banco do Brasil and present an identification document. More information about Pasep can be obtained by calling 0800-729 00 01, from Banco do Brasil.

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