Pregnant, Sabrina Petraglia reveals the sex of the baby | Popular


This is a boy !!! Sabrina Petraglia held up to four and a half months of pregnancy to discover the bad of her first child, her relationship with the engineer Ramón Velázquez in a tea revelation this Thursday 27/12 . The actress revealed the pregnancy on her social networks on December 25, Christmas Day, and she spoke exclusively with Gshow about the findings of motherhood:

"I think the baby should be very calm and already reverberating in me, otherwise I could never have waited for tea.I am very serene.For me, bad is so my first child.I loved the joke to discover with the whole family, "he says .

The actress is curious to the end: "I did the morphological examination and I did another one to know the bad of the baby and I stapled the envelope, he says. 19659004] My mother, who lived in Olympia in Tempo de Amar, was very skeptical about her baby's bad: "I thought I was a girl, even if everyone was shaking for a boy. I was confused, "she says.

Sabrina Sabrina still has not thought of the keychain:" I bought almost nothing, first because I worked hard and second, because everything I bought, I offered. , a small foot for each, with the picture of the first ultrasound revealing the pregnancy, "he says.

The actress took care to announce the news to her family:" I make the tea of ​​pink revelation and blue because they are very strong symbols, but I do not have that pink that I can not use as a boy. I bought pink, blue, and I gave them to my brother and my sister-in-law. I made gifts and gave my parents to tell the surprise about to end three months later late.I have two friends who have lost now and I was afraid to tell you too soon, as it is a delicate moment. "

  Sabrina Petraglia and her husband Ramón Velázquez - Photo: Dossier staff "title =" Sabrina Petraglia and her husband Ramón Velázquez - Photo: personal Folder "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSKZJAAAAAQAAAAAAQ 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAhABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGwAAAgMAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYABAcCAwj / xAAYAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBQYEAv / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAABBFriP2L0O / YETwWKVo2DspZEp3AFvJR0rsjGX5BpFrf / xAAiEAABBAIBBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAEAgMFBgABFBITFRYzNDX / 2gAIAQEAAQUC t1lLVIViaXIDQNga2vybOSNVYsbYZfrWo1hI7HJzRD6ygSdObkV9Uj3RMeknEogiyimpsRqNI52SHy1n71g / Yz // xAAdEQACAwACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADBBESEzEy / 9oACAEDAQE / AcqIyryIuOnaPKTwZSQGIEz2J1lX3F9T / 8QAGxEAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAxESITL / 2gAIAQIBAT8BtscJPArGi5c2Zrkt8DP / xAArEAACAQMCBAMJAAAAAAAAAAABAgMAESEEEhMxUWEQMnEzQUJDU4KSoeL / 2gAIAQEABj8Cl04fZGrbMchjnUjO0k80RA64poyGFsZr4vxp5eNwNQn0xdXqNNFKwk2 cScOvme9tp7Dp3qZnfdLI5kvXtGqKVdSyxfMStsiKZEyh7VIu8CM + + bOD1Ff1W0BR3tmhI sYMHtyvitPNHIXEiEESNc3ve / 7r31J61P6CvtXw / 8QAIxAAAQMDBAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITFBYRBxkaGB4VGx8P / aAAgBAQABPyFyrggWiEAeSh542UTwaHKCgaQDr2yz8iF4wJImAhxE2dDFcG7lRWKMnQyZQEMweQ2HTvUU8KBICPi 6t4OKkI6Rw5zODBHkeFi7IZDg8npGUNZCzDCqcFmuXn9FsTv9JVv1B0 // + // 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABBGAvqB7 EAB8RAQACAQMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAETEQQaEhUXHB8P / aAAgBAwEBPxBRJCuJeBu192jBdNs836gEJTM / L0P / xAAaEQEBAQEAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAABACExEbHR / 9oACAECAQE / EPN7ftlM6ejYC7esuS // xAAjEAEBAAIBAwQDAQAAAAAAAAABEQAhUTFhcRBBgfCRwdHh / 9oACAEBAAE / EHnNSpACt06HVMjfYAWglhAOhw9shUV7Rs2 FXY6C7Z9p / WbznsRwqwK7R3sZcIC02ze5qQJVtUmyJ0faK6eSemB4jf8AgmslonOzjGLCdTqgnKj5jjUEDQ1eAanb2zuMWIDqganV8fkuNEqnEI HU83H4IEcSHGrRLmf9z + + + // rz 59By59ry 2Q == "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Sabrina Petraglia and her husband, Ramón Velázquez – Photo: File personal "title =" Sabrina Petraglia and her husband, Ramón Velázquez – Photo: personal file "data-src =" = / 0x0: 960×1280 / 984×0 / smart / filters: stri Sabrina Petraglia and her husband

Sabrina and Petraglia, Ramón Velázquez – Photo: Personal file

In the tea of ​​the revelation, the guests put in picture the names of the names of boy and girl: "We have none idea. We think of Helena, Catherine, Manuela. I also like a short name, like Eva, but Ramón does not like him very much. For a boy, I like John, Antonio, but we have no idea, we are kicking. Nothing has struck yet! We are open to suggestions, "she says.

Sabrina said that she was very sick as early as the eighth week, but she now looks good:" It looked like I was sick, I had chills, I dragged myself. It was only to finish three months and a week, that I was ready, wonderful! I do physical activity, yoga for pregnant women and I take care of food. "

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