A new discovery may explain why obese people are more likely to develop cancer, say scientists.
One of the types of cells that the body uses to destroy tumor tissue clogs up fat and stops working, said the Trinity College Dublin team in Ireland.
Obesity is the leading cause of preventable cancer in the UK after smoking, according to a British study on cancer research, devoted to research on disease control.
More than one case of cancer over 20 – about 22,800 a year in the UK – is motivated by being overweight.
Scientists have now been able to show, in a study published in the journal Nature Immunology, how the cells that fight cancer are clogged with fat.
They hope to create treatments to restore the capacity of these cells to again become "natural killers" of tumors.
"A compound that blocks the absorption of fat by these cells can help. We try in the lab and we find that it allows them to kill cancer again, "says researcher Lydia Lynch.Obsense increases the risk of 13 cancers
A compound blocking the absorption of fat by tumor-killing cells" But the best way to have this effect is "without a doubt" to lose weight Lynch says: "Whatever it is, it's healthier," says Lynch.
Leo Carlin, of the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, says that, even though scientists know that obesity increases the risk of 13 different types of cancer, "the mechanisms of this link are not yet fully understood."
The scientist says the new study reveals how the molecules of fat prevent immune cells from acting properly to kill tumors and open new avenues for the development of treatments.
"Many researches focus on tumor growth to find ways to stop them but this research shows that we must also take e in account the metabolism of the cells of the immune system. "
- Keep a healthy weight,
- Stop smoking,
- Have a good diet,
- Reduce your consumption of alcohol,
- Avoid sunburn.
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