After a mother kills her father, the brothers will be ten thousand kilometers away from each other


The paternal grandparents residing in the United Kingdom wished to have both grandchildren, but one of them will have to stay in China with the maternal family

The British couple Ian and Linda Simpson of Suffolk, England had the & # 39; for that [leurspetits-enfantsJack8ansetAlice6ansontemménagéaveceuxaprèsqueleurfilsMichaelaététuéparsonépouseen2017àl'âgede34ansAprèsunebataillejuridiquequiadurédepuislamortdufilslesgrands-parentsontpuemmenerleurpetite-filleauRoyaume-UnilaissantlepetitJackavecsafamillematernelleenChineàenviron10000kilomètres

in addition, Ian and Linda will have to pay about 10 000 pounds to Chinese family as financial compensation. The decision was announced last week. According to them, the goal was not that the children live apart, but that the Chinese justice did not give them options. " The family showed us the kids once every 21 months," Ian told the BBC, complaining that he could not communicate with his grandchildren.

Michael was murdered in his apartment in Shanghai, China, in March 2017 by Wiwei Fu, the mother of the children. They had met when the man had settled in town to work, get married and raise the two children.

The couple lived in separate houses and had to divorce when, after an argument, Michael was stabbed. Since the incident, Jack and Alice live with their maternal grandparents in in Nanzhang, northwestern China. The British family worries that Jack will forget his father because his Chinese grandparents do not tell him what happened to his grandchildren, Ian Simpson said in an interview.

Almost two years ago, the British family tried to seal an agreement to find the children, offering money and a kind of pardon in court that would reduce Wiwei's sentence, but proposals were insufficient to reach a consensus. The children's mother is currently serving a life sentence for her homicide.

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