The next First Lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, visited Plbadto Palace on the eve of the inauguration of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro.
Michelle was in the Plbadto, accompanied by staff of ceremonies and performers of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), an activity for which she had dedicated herself.
Michelle wore black pants and low sneakers. black and white blouse with blue prints, Dior sunglbades and glued hair. She repeated some of the possession, such as the steps of the climb to the parlor. It is here that Bolsonaro should receive the banner of President Michel Temer, the forecast being that it's raining.
Faced with the place of the Three Powers, she even simulated gestures of translation into books from the top of the palace palace, where her husband will make his first speech to the nation tomorrow. According to diplomat Caio Mota, of the ceremonial team of the presidency of the Republic, it will not translate the official discourse in Libra.
Michelle was also surrounded by an entourage with military help and security guards. The future first lady has crossed the noble east and west halls, where receptions and ceremonial acts will be held, such as the official photo of the ministers with Bolsonaro and the vice-president, General Hamilton Mourão.
The Plbadto 2nd floor rooms are already fully prepared and decorated with panels for the opening ceremony of the Bolsonaro mandate, with fixed positions and places reserved for ministers, parliamentarians and guests.
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