A veteran of the game relies on backward compatibility for the next generation


There is already a lot of speculation about what will be the next generation of consoles, expected to arrive in 2020. Sony still talks little about the PlayStation 5, while rumored that Microsoft can bet on the streaming game model .

Marc-André Jutras is a former employee of Activision and Ubisoft. He is currently president of Cradle Games. In an interview with GamingBolt, he was very adamant about it.

"I think the PlayStation should be that way, I think it was on the Xbox 360 that they had backward compatibility with the original Xbox?" They needed the approval of the games one by one? I think it's strange and I think it will not be like that. I would prefer to have an emulator that runs all console games, even with small bugs and anomalies, instead of saying "I have 50 games on my list" and I can only play four because the others are not yet approved. "

The last time this happened on a console, it was Was with the WiiU. In this one, if the user had a disk of a part of the Wii, it was enough to put the console to rotate it. Nothing indicates that companies are planning to do anything like this.

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In this generation, Sony had declared that it could not put PS3 games on PS4 because the consoles had a very different architecture.

"I hope that the next generation of consoles will have great exclusives and that Sony and Microsoft will discover that if you launch a console capable of playing all of them has a more user-friendly base on which to get started as they can play to their vast catalog of games, "added Jutras. "If I have 100 games on Xbox 360 and 100 games on Xbox One, and the new Xbox reads all my Xbox 360 and Xbox One games, it's much more likely that I'll buy the new Xbox console than any other console ",

Although neither company reports their intention to publish their new consoles, it is expected that they both talk more about the devices as soon as next year. Register your email on Cbadtech to receive daily updates with the latest technology news.

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