"was invented to elect politicians like him"


YouTuber Felipe Neto posted an interesting tweet about the bravery of the bolonarists in the possession of the new president:

Bolsonaro took over and:

There is no bottle of Piroca;
The ideology of the genre has come to an end.
Cultural Marxism, fine;

Do you know why? None of this has ever existed and was invented to elect politicians like him.

You may have fallen to the ground, but now you will begin to see the truth.

Felipe Neto (Photo: Reproduction / Youtube)

Bolsonaro supposed that:

No more bottle of piroca;
Cultural Marxism, fine;

Do you know why?

You may have fallen in battle, but now you will begin to see the truth.

– Felipe Neto (@felipeneto) on January 1, 2019

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