The micro bus that left Goiás is involved in an accident and leaves six dead and 23 wounded in Bahia


A car accident and a bus accident left at least six people dead and 23 injured at BR-242 in the town of Seabra (BA) on Thursday morning (3). According to information from the state's Federal Highway Police (PRF), the pbadenger vehicle reportedly left Goiás to travel to Senhor do Bonfim, in the city of Bahia. The highway was completely banned for most of the morning because of the accident.

According to the PRF, two other road vehicles were hit by the truck because they could not stop. The violence of the strike was such that the self-loading was left without a cabin and the pbadenger vehicles were destroyed.

The truck after the accident (Photo: Nilson Santos / Liberdade Bom Sucesso Blog)

Witnesses reported to the woman that she had lost the roof, had a capacity of 22 pbadengers plus the driver: they would all belong to the same family. a company that the truck, which left Barreiras (BA), lost the brake and collided with the micro-bus. Officers believe that the accident was caused by a mechanical failure, but only the expertise must verify the real causes.

Truck and micro-bus drivers were saved for life and transferred to the Chapada Regional Hospital. , at the Chapada Diamantina, as well as the other wounded. The bodies of the deadly victims were placed under the responsibility of the Technical Police Department (TPD) of the municipalities of Irecê and Itaberaba.

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