The number of deaths from influenza in Minas has almost doubled in 2018 – General (19659003) (photo: Jair Amaral / EM / DA Press) The vanguard of the flu in Minas Gerais in the year


  The vaccine "title =" The vaccine "/> </picture><figcaption clbad= The vaccine forms of prevention The latest acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by the virus killed nearly 100 people in the mining territory, an increase of 96% compared to 2017. The number of cases presented The influenza epidemic, announced Thursday by Sade Secretary of State (SES / MG), shows that Minas Gerais had a high prevalence of influenza A (H1N1) and influenza A (H1N1) and influenza A (H1N1) infections, 348 people were infected with the flu, and 187 others with other respiratory viruses, and 418 deaths were recorded, of which 98 were related to distress syndrome. The other 23 people who have had contact with Parainfluenza, VSR, Metapneumovrus, and Adenovrus [SARA]

Influenza-Related Cases Call for Attention There was an increase in 2018 compared to 2017. In the course of 1 Last 2 months, 348 cases of SARS related to the virus were confirmed, 16% more than in 2017, when there were 300 confirmed cases. Last year, the majority of infections were due to subtype A virus (119 registries), followed by H3N2 virus (110 notifications) and H1N1 virus (102 cases). Type B has reached 17 people.

With regard to deaths caused by influenza, the increase was even more frightening. In 2018, there were 98 deaths, compared to 50 out of 2017, a maximum of 96%. The highest number of bites was due to H1N1 and influenza A in the subtype, which killed 37 people each. The H3N2 virus caused 19 bites and influenza B, 5.

The cities of Uberlndia, in the Regio do Tringulo Mineiro, and Pouso Alegre, in the southern region of Minas Gerais, were most affected. There were eight entries recorded in each municipality. Next come Belo Horizonte with six deaths and the Governador Valadares in Rio Doce with four.

According to epidemiological report data, three outbreaks were recorded in 2018. They occur when at least three cases of influenza are recorded and in enclosed / restricted environments within seven days of onset symptoms The events occurred in residences and asylum seekers in Congonhas, in the central region of Minas, in Maria da F and in Itajub, in the south of the state.

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