Coffee before physical exercise detracts from health, according to a study by Unesp de Marília | Bauru and Marília


Research by physiotherapists at Unesp de Marília (SP) shows that drinking coffee before exercise can be harmful to one's health.

The study examined the cardiovascular behavior of 32 men, aged 18 to 25, who consumed caffeine before engaging in physical activity.

  Coffee research was conducted at Unesp de Marília - Photo: Pixabay <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Coffee research took place at UNESP Marilia – Photo: pixabay "title =" Coffee research was held at Unesp in Marília – Photo: Pixabay "data-src ="×1280/984×0 /smart/filters:strip_icc((/33.html)

Research on coffee was held at Unesp de Marília – Photo: Pixabay

Research was done at the university The first day, a test of maximum physical effort was applied to identify the limits of each participant.

The second and third days they should run at a moderate intensity and alternatively take one capsule of caffeine and another in wheat flour, without any property chemical ties. The participants did not know which they ingested capsules.

  Caffeine and wheat flour pills were distributed to the participants in the study. - Caffeine and wheat flour pills were distributed to the research participants. - Photo: TEM / TV Reading data <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Pi Caffeine and squid in wheat flour were distributed to participants – Caffeine and wheat flour pills were distributed to research participants – Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction "data-src =" 846×470 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () /

Caffeine and wheat flour tablets were distributed to research participants. [Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction]

In tests, the researchers found that the heart rate of those who had taken caffeine took about an hour to return to normal, which is twice as long as when they had not had the substance in their body

. "post-exercise, when it is slower, there is an increase in the probability of a cardiovascular problem ular. By studying physically active young adults, we imagined that caffeine would not have an overload effect on the heart during exercise. However, we feared that this would happen in this population, "says Vitor Engraccia Valenti, coordinator of the Unesp Studies Center

This is due to the stimulating power of caffeine, which increases the concentration of catecholamines in the body. blood and can lead to overload in the heart, causing a heart attack.

  Research indicates that coffee consumption before physical activity can cause heart problems - Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction "title =" Research indicate that coffee consumption before physical activities can cause heart problems - Photo: TEM / TV playback data "src =": image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYCBAcI / 8QAFQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAX / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAYjqa8OgrdE5YVUf / 8QAH BAAAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUCAwABBhYX / 9oACAEBAAEFAkYUVAzRvEsapPuo7rJGXmTWrRyymgRltHHi / / CMR 8QAGxEAAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIBAxESEzH / 2gAIAQMBAT8B1rTnF5LKvD xAAZEQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgADEhH // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8BNmxpBFsZh1p 8QAJBAAAgEEAQIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDAAQREiITNCExYpGTofD / 2gAIAQEABj8CEF3cJCwOdiDr71JDBHJLG / AuE8KBbLpvx9Vdu31T3ECIzjz3pZ2l1dpxEcVZzXJlvOmSViGFX9nFdgvyGv / EACAQAAEEAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExEIFRQWGRofD / 2gAIAQEAAT8hIUWRI3NgYKlpeSD2 / EDynxWIIxeR9zjHfSM7FrY3rn9SFclpAYsSb6msYf / aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQ + // the xAAaEQEAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhUbHx / 9oACAEDAQE / EEi4ujzkXVmT / 8QAGhEBAAEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAhMUFhwf / aAAgBAgEBPxAaDBuvJmTqf // EACAQAQEAAgIABwAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQVFhcZHB8PH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QHTwjbgkpOx8QwHpIgkyEyxO1FxMjKZDwTQrdhPI95 HiV2NLE5SJdnPviqGPSNAh0DkVoyGMoThRay0FNOvRn3L4z + / / / [19659015] <img clbad = "content-media__image picture" itemprop = "contentURL" alt = "research indicates that the Coffee consumption before physical activity can cause problems in the heart - Researchers point out that coffee consumption before physical activity can cause problems in the heart any obligations - Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction "data-src =" https: / / </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Research suggests that coffee consumption before physical activity can cause heart problems – Photo: TV TEM / Reproduction

] "The most vulnerable people are those at risk group and we ask the following question: And in people who have reduced physical preparation, worse?", said the coordinator.

The result of the research removed volunteer participants and left the alert to physical activity practitioners, especially those with hypertension and diabetes.

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