Canudo is a reason for a fight between client and employee at McDonalds; watch


This is the lack of plastic straws that prompted the start of a discussion between a McDonald's fast food employee and a customer. According to Washington Post information, the fight began after the man had learned that the article had ended. The case was held in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States on December 2.

"She stated that it was now legal that the stores no longer have strawberries at the counter of the condiments," said Brenda Biandudi

She stated that the man had replied that the woman "did not exist" and that she had started by aggression against the girl.

In December, a municipal law on the ban of plastic pipes in settlements from 2020. However, in 2019, there is an adjustment phase, in which the straws can be handed over to customers who request the item.

The police was activated, but Arriving at the place , the customer was already gone.

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