How to get rid of fat in this organ


  How to eliminate liver steatosis and liver fat

Lifestyle modifications are essential to eliminate steatosis of the liver (Photo: Tomás Arthuzzi / Health is vital)

It is estimated that near third of the Brazilian population suffers from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – commonly known as liver fat. This problem can trigger serious diseases such as cirrhosis and cancer. And despite the lack of clear symptoms, there is a solution.

Lifestyle adjustments are the best way to avoid and treat this disease that continues to grow.

1) The diet

There is no way to escape: the first step to save the liver is to eliminate the excess weight and fat that accumulates there. Belly But rest badured, no one will recommend a drastic weight loss – it's exactly the opposite that happens. A review of studies signed by experts from the University Hospital of Tübingen, Germany, and recently published in the prestigious newspaper The Lancet concluded that a 5% reduction in weight already reduced by 30 % the volume of fat in the gland

Let's agree: no This is nothing out of the ordinary! A 90-kilogram citizen would need to dry only 4.5 pounds in order to enjoy it. "But the ideal is to lose 10% of the weight in six months," says the hepatologist Liana Codes, from the Portuguese hospital in Bahia to Salvador.

The period mentioned by the doctor has its reason for being. Indeed, reducing the measurements very quickly is even dangerous for the liver. "Fad diets and whimsical diets can immediately worsen the inflammatory process," says nutritionist Wilza Peres of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

What are the most appropriate changes at the table? The important thing is not to defame one ingredient or another, but rather to favor a varied diet with the participation of good sources of carbohydrates and fats.

Another recently highlighted topic is the role of the gut microbiota in this story. . Experiments reveal that the stability of bacteria in the digestive system is the key to good liver health.

"And foods rich in prebiotic fiber and bioactive anti-inflammatory principles, such as fruits, vegetables and green vegetables, help maintain the integrity of the product." The intestinal lining and balance of this community of microorganisms, "said nutritionist Rosângela Pbados, of the Federal University of Bahia

Changes in the diet without radicals

Carbohydrates: Give priority to those who are essential. The roots, the case of cbadava and yam are a good request. Simple carbohydrates such as white bread and potatoes should be moderate.

Greases: Polyunsaturates found in avocado, nuts and fish are welcome.

Probiotics: Yogurts and fermented milks filled with good bacteria maintain the balance of the gut microbiota, which is related to the proper functioning of the liver.

Fructose: It has been learned that fruit sugar is the bad guy behind steatosis. Calm down there: these foods are high in fiber and, in a diverse diet, they bring only benefits.

Alcohol: Better to take light. Although beverages are not directly attributed to the fat reserves of this region, they can lead to additional losses.

2) Physical activity

"There is no need to change food, weight loss will be more important if it is combined with exercise," said hepatologist Maria Lucia Gomes Ferraz of the Federal University from São Paulo.

A study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States attests that moving the body has three major benefits: relieving insulin resistance, increasing the burning of stored triglycerides, and preventing damage to hepatocytes, the first chapter in the development of cirrhosis and cancer. "In summary, it is a proven therapeutic strategy to improve steatosis," write American authors.

These effects are not limited to the moment of perspiration. "After physical activity, to replenish the energy stored in the muscles, we have to use the surplus stored in the liver," he says, the Carla Giuliano Montenegro's physical education teacher of the 39, Israelita Albert Einstein Hospital of São Paulo

. Is there a modality that would enhance all these benefits? "For a long time it was thought that aerobic exercises, such as walking, running and cycling, were the most appropriate, and today we know that bodybuilding, such as bodybuilding, is also important. important, "says Carla. Reaching the goal of the World Health Organization to do 150 minutes of exercise during the week is enough.

But no exaggeration, are we combined? The intensity varies from mild to moderate. Concretely, it means being able to speak a little without losing your breath in aerobics and, by strengthening the muscles, do eight to twelve repetitions of movements – always under the direction of a teacher.

The effect of the exercises Endurance: Work on the muscles of the body and the muscles of the body.

3) Drug treatment of fats in the liver

They have not yet invented a tablet or injection capable of stopping fatty liver. This does not mean, however, that certain remedies can not be prescribed. "They do not act on the problem itself, but they help in case of steatohepatitis to contain inflammation," says Carla Matos, a hepatologist at Sírio-Libanês Hospital in São Paulo.

The two most commonly used options are vitamin E, antioxidant supplement and pioglitazone, which reduces sugar levels. "In addition, it is important to treat other conditions common to these patients, such as diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia," says Tarsila Ribeiro, a hepatologist at the Federal University. from Juiz de Fora to Minas Gerais.

The decision to start any drug therapy should always begin with the health professional, who will determine the dosage and timing of use.

According to the ClinicalTrials.Gov website, a global registry of clinical trials updated by the United States National Institutes of Health, the National Institutes of Health, There are currently 258 new tests drugs against steatosis. Some of them act on insulin resistance, one of the factors at the origin of the disease, while others act directly on hepatocytes.

At least during the early stages of the study, the candidate substances managed to slow down the evolution of the problem. "We hope the news will be published in the next five years," says Dr. Paulo Lisboa Bittencourt, president of the Brazilian Society of Hepatology.

Now, even the most modern pill will never replace a healthy lifestyle. Pioglitazone: Reduces the amount of sugar in the circulation

Vitamin E: Available treatments – and those that can be approved shortly

Empaglifozina: It also removes a lot of glucose.

Vitamin D: It seems that supplementation would bring some improvements. of the body

Laser: Tested at the University of São Paulo (USP), its application has given good results.

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