Member States include 12 cities in the list of the 100 largest agri-food producers – rural areas


A survey published by the map (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supplies) indicates that 12 municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul are on the list of the 100 largest producers of agricultural products. Brazilian agro-industries. The study, highlighted by state government advisory services, also indicates that among these municipalities, they grew an average of 9.81% between 2014 and 2016. Maracaju – at 160km of the capital – draws the southern city line

The Map compiled the information provided by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) on the GDP (gross domestic product) of more than 5,000 Brazilian municipalities. The figures show strong growth in the country's agricultural regions: at least 82% of the municipalities ranked among the largest producers of the agri-food sector recorded growth above the country's rate of 4.4% over the same two years [19659002Thesurveyshowsthatthesemunicipalitiesaccountfor72%ofthecountry'sgrossdomesticproduct(GDP)and275%ofgrossdomesticproduct(GDP)

From 2014 to 2016, Maracaju recorded a growth of 12.81%, with Rio Grande do Sul (24 ° C) is the main source of sugar cane production (almost 2 million tons in 2017) and maize (1.2 million tonnes).

Next municipalities of Sul-Mato Grosso with expansion of 22.18%); Ponta Porã (23rd place, 11.21% growth), Sidrolândia (27%, 10.62%), Dourados (28%, 6.06%), Costa Rica (49%, 13.95%), São Gabriel do Oeste (69 °, 13.28%), Chapadão do Sul (77 °, 3.75%), Nova Alvorada do Sul (82 °, 25.61%); Caarapó (90 °, 15.72%); Aral Moreira (95 °, 8.75%);

The top of the ranking is dominated by the municipalities of Mato Grosso-Sorriso and Sapezal, which occupy the first two places, followed by five cities before Maracaju, Bahia and Goiás. , the traditional agricultural frontiers of the country.

Compared with the cities with the strongest economic growth of the period, Nova Alvorada do Sul is ranked sixth in the country, with Rio Brilhante ninth. The list is drawn up by Guaíra (SP), which saw its economy grow by more than 50% between 2014 and 2016.

The Coordinator General of Studies and Analyzes of the Secretariat for Agricultural Policy Map, José Garcia Gasques, This survey combines information from municipal GDP with that of WFP (municipal agricultural production) referring to permanent and temporary crops in 2017. According to him, in 2016, during similar work, it was possible to detect growth. twice the average of the agricultural producing regions. (f) {return ()) {var () {return () {return} {return} c = e.createElement (a); = f; c.src = ""; b.parentNode.insertBefore (c, b)} (document, "script", "facebook-jssdk")); / *]]> * / [ad_2]
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