The New York Times is the world's largest newspaper and the image of President Jair Bolsonaro could not be worse.
In his editorial, the newspaper today presents Bolsonaro as an author "of blatant insults". women, badual and black minorities. "
The newspaper places it in the same rank as the worst authoritarian rulers.
" Mobilizing anger, hatred and fear became the family strategy of the so-called authoritarians, and Bolsonaro sued the poet of people like Rodrigo Duterte from the Philippines, Viktor Orbán from Hungary and Recep Tayyip Erdogan from Turkey.
"He was also dubbed" the trump of the tropics "for his scandalous remarks and political foundation of evangelical Christians, wealthy elites, cowardly politicians and military hawks," the NYT concludes. "But attacking minorities and making grandiose promises only compensates for the lack of government competence or coherent agenda."
The newspaper concludes: "A fateful year has begun for Brazil."
This editorial helps to form the opinion of leaders around the world.
This will require an effort on the part of Bolsonaro to refine his image.
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