PSB will not support Maia and articulates a large block of center left in the hemicycle


MPB members met on Thursday 10 in Brasilia and, in an advisory vote, indicated by a large majority that their party would not support the current mayor's candidacy , Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), to his re-election.

Twenty-two parliamentarians attended the meeting and, according to the report, only one member would have shown interest in supporting Maia. The acronym now expects that a position of PDT and PCdoB, which fit into a parliamentary bloc, make a joint decision on the choice of the group's candidate.

In parallel, a joint is being enlarged from the central block. on the left, with the inclusion of the MDB, the PP and the PTB, which would bring together 150 deputies. If the group is closed, it is possible that a specific nomination for the presidency of the House be defined, which could unbalance the game that currently favors Maia.

According to Tadeu Alencar (PE), PSB leader in the House, PSL's official support for Maia had a decisive impact on the acronym's sense. "When Maia was not considered a candidate for the government, it was her badet, but when President Jair Bolsonaro's party joined Maia's party, her badge was identified with the government's program." , did he declare.

For Alencar, Maia was a good president at her first administration precisely because it left room for all political forces in the House. "He did not use any instruments to direct the opposition and gave a relative balance to the internal workings of the House, besides having a good attitude of independence vis-à-vis to the executive, "he said.

This morning, Alencar and PDT leaders, André Figueiredo (EC), and PCdoB, Orlando Silva (SP), met Maia at the Presidential Bureau of the House. Alencar took Maia's discontent with the alliances that he formed. "He told us that he had not made an alliance with the government, but with the PSL, and that he would respect all the commitments to the opposition," he said. he declared.


The articulation of a broader goal of the center-left block guarantee important spaces in the direction of the House and in the command of thematic commissions, which are divided according to the size of the parliamentary blocs.

According to the deputies heard by the Political Broadcast television channel, real-time information system of Grupo Estado, possibility for the block to also seek the PT, which will be the largest bench of the House, with 56 deputies. Indeed, it was agreed that Maia would not seek the two largest parties during her campaign in the next legislature – PT and PSL.

Last week, the PSL president, MP Luciano Bivar (EP), announced the official support of the acronym for Maia's candidacy in exchange for positions on the board of directors and important committees of the House. The opposition considered the pregnancy a violation of the original agreement.

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