A blind kitten turns his lure in a hammock while the owner works on MS: "We are inseparable" | Mato Grosso do Sul


In the shadow of a tree in Ari Coelho Square in Campo Grande (MS), the scene of a cat lying in a hammock while its owner making macrame attracts the lover. ;Warning. The kitten is blind and belongs to the artisan Luiz Carlos Garcia, who spends his days teaching crafts. The hammock was woven by the owner, to keep it always close to him.

  Miau spends his days in a hammock on Campo Grande square and becomes an attraction:   Miau spends his days lying on a network of the Plaza de Campo Grande and a transformed attraction: "We are inseparable", declares the owner - Miau spends his days lying in a hammock on the square of Campo Grande, and becomes an attraction: We are inseparable, "says his owner - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS" data-src = "https: // s2. gloomy gloomy gloomy. Miau spends his days lying in a hammock on Campo Grande Square and becomes an attraction: "We are inseparable", declares the owner. [/ Miau] - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS </p>
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The two men live in a car parked next to the square.The cat calls Miau Ceguinho and is a little over 2. Luiz says that he stayed with him arce that he helped the baby's mother during the delivery and realized that he would need help:

"I saw that he was born blind and I imagined how difficult it would be for this kitten to live without someone to care for him.

Miau has become an attraction: "Every day, someone comes to take a picture, make love to him, talk a little bit.Sometimes they help people with ration, or just by paying attention to the kitten, he loves this feast, "he says.

Luiz says that he is HIV-positive and that he was very sad when he adopted the kitten: "God knows how much my love for my cat was great, it made me a lot helped, taking care of it and made me want to live., excited.

  Miau blind and Luiz: "We are inseparable," says owner of the blind kitten - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS "title =" blind Miau and Luiz "We are inseparable," said the owner of the blind kitten - Photo: Flavio Dias / G1MS "src =" data. image / jpeg; base64 / 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAPABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQcBAwb / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAwX / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAY0S8vPciy1YTBp 8QAIBAAAQIFBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAIDAAEFBhQREhMWJP // / // aAAgBAQABBQKsELfSLcRALWRq b3MmGzMWtTl5x08adyY 8QAGxEAAQQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABBCEREhP / 2gAIAQMBAT8BEx35MNoY2bJl / 8QAGREAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIAEzED / 9oACAECAQE / AW4NVYMEuK5P / 8QAIxAAAgIBAwMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIAAxESEyExMkEEIlFhkf / aAAgBAQAGPwKr0VTaalbcsOYq1PrGByep4j3LWEYvuY 52R + + + RHs99QYhh8gyvZuZs5xrHZic5dj1Y Z5N / 8QAHhABAQACAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITEQQVFhoYH / 2gAIAQEAAT8htZBXG9 / eq / uQI8jGIL3uDlp3hVdeL0tDEnzYm / H5gjorg6iJOdMjgteyZ0b / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEEYv / 8QAGxEBAAMBAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhQVEAYYH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QpxNoyDOFD9jPDNdcMPbr2Kw6 / wD / xAAbEQEAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABABEhQWGBsf / AAAG BAgEBPxAYXEW8u / OoWhXP / 8QAHhABAAIDAAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAREhADFBYZGh0fD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QV0FPIlbS6Ga41jCAgtkNZJAt5Bggj3Lg94LWNZ + + Z94sb68hAvb8gzeaJFga6yIHXcaVu qY5oNa8Z4vUz // Z "/> <picture itemscope=   and Luiz Miau blind man:" We are inseparable, "says the owner of the blind kitten. - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS "title =" Blind Miau and Luiz: "We are inseparable", says the owner of the blind kitten. - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/aC8JYjV42USqXq9gITFkuu4C9Sk=/0x0:1166x699/984x0/smart/filters:strip_icc- (() /i.s3.glbim.com/ i.s3 + Miau Ceguinho and Luiz: "We are inseparable", says the owner of the blind kitten - Photo: Flávio Dias / G1MS / Photo: Flávio Dias / G1M </p>
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The artisan teaches macramê on the spot, without The products that are on the spot are not for sale, they serve to show what it is possible to do with the lines.The art with which wants to learn: "I can help somebody. one to adopt a new way of life, make money, be distracted.It's already enough back for me. "

Close to the kitten, a glbad of water, Meow n 39 has never seen what he knows about the environment that surrounds it, it is always directed by Luiz.

  Miau Ceguinho knows the environment that presents the owner. S & # 39; he does not know what the property does he will know that he will do it. - Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / TV Morena   Miau Ceguinho knows the environment that the owner presents and the guide. - Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / TV Morena

Miau Ceguinho knows the environment that the owner presents, and orients his memory, along his way, as his name indicates. Morena

He says that living in the car, where they live together, is quiet. "We had a little bird that Miau always respected, but he grew up and left, we were together, we are a united family."

  Luiz in the car where he lives with Miau and the little bird who also lived with them: "Love for the animals" & # 39; - Photo: Personal archive   Luiz in the car where he lives with Miau, and the bird who also lived with Luiz in the car where he lives with Miau and the little bird that also lived with them: "L & "Love for animals" - Photo: personal file

Luiz in the car where lives with Meow and the little bird who also lived with them: "Love for animals" – Photo: Personal archive

Because of illness, Luiz receives a retirement that supports them both. He says his father had called him to live together, but that he would not accept the cat, so he decided to live in the car. "What I have given to me and my cat, and that my office is only for teaching." "We live in peace, we are united." The important thing for me is to always stay close to Meow.

Luiz comments that a demonstration of respect and love for animals should not surprise him: "Life is not an excuse to abandon an animal or look after a sick animal. take care of my blind as a child, even working the love of felines, animals, must be multiplied, "he concludes.

  The glbad of water is always near Meow, the kitten blind man who lives on Campo Grande Square - Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / TV Morena   Cup with water is still near Miau, the blind kitten who lives on Campo Grande square - Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / TV Morena "title =" A cup with water is still close to Meow, the blind kitten who lives on Campo Grande Square - Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / TV Morena "data-src =" https: / /s2.glbimg.com/RwkaMgrA8cqDGVx-DHsypIG_INU=/0x0:835x496/984x0/smart/filters:strip_icc-()/i.s3.glbimg.com </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= The glbad of water is always close to Mi au, the blind kitten who lives on the square of Campo Grande – Photo: Ariovaldo Dantas / Television Morena

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