How is the military sector pension plan and what can change with the reform | Politics


The army's involvement in social security reform has increased in recent days in the talks at Plbadto Palace, as reported on Friday (11) the blog of the columnist G1 Andréia Sadi. The government is discussing the possibility of including members of the armed forces in the reform.

In Brazil and in several countries of the world, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy, the military has a pension plan different from that of civilian workers. Understand how it works:

Active and inactive armed forces contribute 7.5% of gross wages and 3.5% for medical and hospital care.

According to the Ministry of Defense, they can leave active persons – going to the reserve or retired – after 30 years of service (for men and women). After that, they receive the full salary – the same as the last installment at the time they were still working.

According to the Court of Accounts of Brazil, 55% of the Brazilian army retires between 45 and 49 years old.

In many countries, the military does not contribute to retirement during a career. It is also common that when you retire, the full salary of the army will be paid in retirement.

It is understood that they perform duties that require permanent availability to defend the state. It is also one of the arguments of the Brazilian Army.

  • In the United States the army does not contribute to a specific plan of the US Armed Forces. To qualify for 100% of the highest career earnings, a member must have completed an average of 40 years of service.
  • In the United Kingdom the army also does not contribute to the foresight of the armed forces. Normal retirement is at 60 years old.
  • In Italy the army contributes and can retire at age 61 with full pay, up to the last check received from his activity.
  • In Germany a sergeant, for example, retires between 55 and 62 years of age and can receive 72% of the last salary.

Vice President Hamilton Mourão said that the military had already studied and that some points could be negotiated to help the government approve the social security reform.

Minister Augusto Heleno, head of the Office of Institutional Security, said that since 2002, the military has suffered a series of losses and salaries are far behind other government careers. According to him, if necessary, the army will be ready and will not stop working on the reform.

Hijacked on Friday, the new army commander, Edson Pujol, said the military system was different, but that they should cooperate if the government decided to include them in the reform.

"We are always ready to collaborate with society, but the first point, which is constitutional: the army is not part of the social security system, as is the case in most countries. countries of the world, "said Pujol.

"We have a very big difference compared to any other public or private server.We do not have any overtime, we do not have extra night, we can not we unionize. "

When asked whether the army should remain in retirement, the general replied: "Our intention, as commander of the army, to ask, of course, not to change our system." [Se] "We, the military, first of all, are disciplined, obey the laws and the Constitution, so if there is a decision of the Brazilian state, of the Brazilian society, of change, we will do it. "

What can change with the reform

The government plans to increase the service time of the army from 30 to 35 years, with transition rules.

Until November 2018, the pension and pension system deficit reached 40 billion rand, an increase of almost 13% compared to 2017.

The Minister Onyz civilian Lorenzoni, said the discussion on the military's involvement in social security reform will be resumed next week.

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