Extinction: the 1,600-meter wave that may have helped decimate dinosaurs | Science and health


In May 2018, scientists documented in Campbell Islands, New Zealand, the largest wave ever recorded in the southern hemisphere of modern history.

It measured 23.8 meters.

Can you imagine a wave almost 70 times bigger?

65 million years ago, an asteroid 14 kilometers in diameter struck the Earth with catastrophic consequences.

The impact opened a crater 180 kilometers in diameter, whose center is located in the present-day peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico.

  The giant wave may have contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs - Photo: Fausto Garcia / Unplash [19659007] The giant wave may have contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs – Photo: Fausto Garcia / Unplash "title =" The giant wave may have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs "" https://s2.glbimg.com/39pzyARaooROWyOmuPAA-g_6cro=/0x0:6060×4912/1008×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/i .s3.glbimg.com / v1 / AUTH_59edd422c0c8a8; The giant wave could have contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs – Photo: Faust-garcia-659812-unsplash.jpg "/>

Garcia / Unplash

Known as the Chicxulub asteroid, from name of the city closest to the crater, the celestial body would be part of a much larger asteroid which, after a collision in space, was divided into several fragments.

Among other things, this may have contributed to decimating the dinosaurs, which were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates.

Researchers from the Department of Earth Sciences and the Environment of the University of Michigan now claim that the 39, asteroid also generated a tsunami, responsible for unprecedented destruction.

According to the team of scientists, the huge impact caused a fall of the asteroid to a depth of 1500 meters within ten minutes of the collision. [19659013] The strength that a tsunami has ever seen.

It is estimated that its power was 29,000 times greater than that of the earthquake and tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people in the Indian Ocean in 2004.

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The researchers concluded with a simulation that the impact of the asteroid Chicxulub has generated a wave of 1,600 meters altitude, four times more than the Empire State Building of New York.

According to scientists, the tsunami reached speeds of over 140 km / h in the first meters.

This initial giant wave generated hundreds of smaller replicas that traveled a large part of the planet at high speed.

During the first 24 hours, the tsunami impact spread from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic.

"The asteroid Chicxulub caused a huge tsunami, as we have never seen in modern history," said Molly Range Project Chief Investigator the site of the project. scientific information Live Science.

"At the beginning of this project, I gave myself to myself, considering the true magnitude of the tsunami."

Without a doubt, a turning point for our planet.

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