Criminals destroy a transmission tower and leave the neighborhoods of the Great Fortress without electricity on the 11th day of the attacks | Ceará


Criminals knocked down an energy transmission tower on Saturday in Maracanaú, in the Great Fortress, and left the neighborhoods without electricity on the eleventh day following attacks coordinated by criminal factions. According to the military police, part of the base of the tower would have exploded and the equipment would have fallen. Electric wires were scattered on the road near the site, isolated by police teams.

Due to the attack, there was a fall and an oscillation of energy in the neighborhoods of Fortaleza and the cities of the metropolitan area such as Cascavel, Eusebio, Maranguape, Itaitinga and Maracanaú. The police are badisted by a helicopter looking for suspects and to prevent further attacks.

  Military police and mine clearance teams were on the scene after the attack - Photo: Rafaela Duarte / Sistema Verdes Mares   Military Police Teams and Bomb Team were in place after the attack - Photo: Rafaela Duarte / Sistema Verdes Mares

Military police teams and anti-bomb brigades were on the scene after the attack – Photo: Rafaela Duarte / Sistema Verdes Mares [19659006] The wave of violence in the state reached the eleventh day, with 192 attacks confirmed in 43. The Ministry of Justice confirmed that since the beginning of the crime sequence, 35 members of criminal factions having ordered crimes inside the prison were transferred to federal prisons.

State Actions Against Violence

The Ceará Public Security Secretariat reported that 319 suspects were involved in the crimes. The attacks began after the announcement of government measures to strengthen surveillance in Ceará prisons.

The state government promises to end the introduction of mobile phones in prisons and to the division of factions within prisons. The attacks are an attempt to get the governor of Ceará, Camilo Santana, to abandon the measures. The governor said that "there is no pension."

Camilo Santana announced that he would introduce a bill that would benefit people who report violent aggression in the state. The bill will be voted Saturday (12) in extraordinary session during the parliamentary holidays.

The law on rewards provides for the payment in cash of information transmitted by the population to the police and used to prevent criminal acts and arrest the criminals involved in these acts.

Understand what is happening in Ceará

  • The government created the Secretariat of the Prison Service and launched a series of actions to combat crime in prisons.
  • The new secretary, Mauro Albuquerque, coordinated the apprehension of cell phones. , drugs and weapons in cells. He also said that he did not recognize the factions and that the state would stop dividing the prisoners as they belonged to criminal groups.
  • Criminals began attacking public and private buildings and buses. Actions began in the metropolitan area and spread throughout the week.
  • The government has sought the badistance of the National Force. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Sérgio Moro, authorized the sending of troops;
  • The population of Fortaleza and the metropolitan area suffers from frequent disruption of public transportation, lack of garbage collection and closing of the trade.
  • The wave of violence (G1) "The Ceará records a series of criminal badaults – Photo: Infographic G1" title = "The Ceará records a series of criminal badaults – Photo: Infographic G1" src = "[Date:image/jpeg;base64/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT/2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT/wgARCAA0ABkDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUEBgECAwf/xAAXAQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgQD/9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAH3Gf2gszHaoFE1tODSSpMuZVolvYa9NCKYFn3IazQXTnkGz//EAB8QAAIDAAEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAAMEBRESFBUhNP/aAAgBAQABBQKq3Gpq2ZaAOWoQe5onatdV1NTggqZXWwN8bP3L4Tzj/wA/0zUy5V6zj7xw1bHcCNMfHXU1OU1KOMbSfSTC3kZWHRfs+z+/xAAbEQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgARECExAaAAgBAwEBPwEo1ajF07Aa3GKt0Xn005x////8QAGREBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIQMQBB/9oACAECAQE/ARj7xCLlCmWZX//EAC0QAAEDAwICCAcAAAAAAAAAAAEAAhEDITFBcRASEyMzQkNRYdFScpGSouHw/9oACAEBAAY/AjNMj5XSop9K0FeIdwu/9FBi1sX3U3aY0ChwgxPCmWwWRnnKh0Eap0zJ/PWW/cp1EhXFt0Yf1uiyi0xym5VrmUR5Y24FtSqWkeg90KlGq54OeVv7Re97mk/E0e67b8Ux74Lj6K1llZX/xAAiEAEAAgEEAgMBAQAAAAAAAAABABEhMUFRYXGRENHwscH/2gAIAQEAAT8hAa9ovLmMAUtCKLewJ1j7l9cNdwXjJ8xTYPVwb1A9wA7OfitADOxxnGjLK2E8qlQKAXbOmH7efgfUJQ5ai7joDhlhEzNNZCeaPUmYdoTw6DrURRQA++/++l8bcFnQ2YtffQnTkhQtcx9RXlEYO2tpyz///CyFrz9Erl9E2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEJIaT80AvP/EABwRAQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExEEGxwf/aAAgBAwEBPxBac2OVLq2Y5YQdn2bgAmrfeP/EABkRAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABERAhYf/aAAgBAgEBPxCKL6GrwVxoe52ref+/xAAkEAEBAAMAAAYBBQAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFRYXGR8bEQgcHh8P/aAAgBAQABPxCzOIYHUUnB9cn5AAiyXa4gFWqEH9BlWKJs5qCvW5G9mDO++++CanoNrrgXeMoMQiLwJpGPxuNMuJou7pgiXovxgd0rEBvrhJBu965hKaZKIhHRvb4Bz6PlgrdQAEeR9HOR0rBnJ4eO/aYpIiILdKnJ3cvMrzHyHe2whPO0JittURpa1kGXvnjrxd2g2+/++OfsfGXMsqq0nuAvpd4kxgD6LE22TW65eXhiCagkPCM9skYCMt4WEaDyDDhwTlJM6vp/Rn+M/JP/2Q=="/>   records series of criminal Ceara attacks - Photo: G1 infographic" title = "records Céara series of criminal attacks - photo D e The database of The Ceará records a series of criminal attacks - Photo: Infographic G1 </p></div>
<p>  The Ceará records a series of criminal attacks – Photo: Infographic G1 </p>
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