According to Anefac (National Association of Directors of Finance, Administration and Accounting), the minimum wage experienced a real increase (excluding inflation) of 1.14% in 2019. It was the first gain in relation to the national index of consumer prices (INPC) after two years of decline.
The government readjusted the national minimum to 4.61% on January 1, from R $ 954 to R $. 998. The INPC rose by 3.43% in 2018.
In order to readjust the minimum, the government allows for the change in the INPC from the previous year (2018) more GDP growth (Gross Domestic Product) in 2017, which was According to the Dieese (Inter-Trade Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies), the minimum wage experienced a real loss of 0.25% in 2018 and decreased by 0.1% in 2017 compared to the real salary.