who was going to kill Jesus Christ
Chapter 123 – Monday 14/01
Petronius kisses Naomi. Maria says that Shabaka loved Mirian. Deborah is moved by the words of Jesus. Adela, Diana and the hydroplane go to Messiah. Zacchaeus sees Barabbas looking from outside the house of Arimathea. Simon Phariseus declares himself to Laila. Malco asks Marta to marry him. The hydropic is asking to be healed by Jesus. Marta fainted at Malco's request. Jesus heals the hydropic man. Claudia tries to calm Pilate. Joao is jealous of Gabriela. Jesus questions the Pharisees. Kesiah opens with Helena and reveals her feeling for Longinus. Asisa chats with Jairus and is interrogated by Jesus. Caiaphas is annoyed by Judith's approach. Barabbas discovers that Mary is the mother of the Messiah.
Chapter 124 – Tuesday, 15/01
Laila despairs of the nightmare and is calmed by Simon Pharisee. James Minor is jealous of Miriam and Shabaka. Marie is surprised at the sight of Barabbas. Marta recovers and asks for time to answer Malco. Jairus and a Pharisee mock the words of Jesus. Joana says that hydropics needs a name. Diana is satisfied with the happiness of the hydroplane. Adela is wary of Gestas' visit. Peter speaks badly of Caiaphas. Marta talks about Malco with the brothers. Annas tries to convince Caiaphas to lie down with Judith. Petronius is amazed to see that Hydropathus has been healed. Assisa is moved by the words of Yonah. In conversation with James Justo, Nicodemus speaks of the importance of forgiving. Deborah says that she will not take the son of the woman who created her. Madeleine complains of the insistence of Judas Iscariot. Judas Tadeu talks about the meeting with Helena. Simon Zelote captures Barabbas with a dagger. Cláudia surprises Caius singing Helena. Adela questions the attitude of Gestas. Simon Zelote asks Barabbas for an explanation. Pilate discovers that Jesus healed the dropsical. Abel goes to meet Jesus. The Messiah suggests that the boy sell everything he has and sells to the poor.
Chapter 12 5 – Wednesday 16/01
Jesus speaks of the importance of getting rid of material goods. Judas Iscariot roughly treats Mary Magdalene. Barabbas opens with Zelote and confesses that he was going to kill Jesus. Pilate says that Antipas is crazy. Gestas ends up arguing with Adela. Simon Zealot tries to convince Barabbas that Jesus is the Messiah. Dimas is surprised to see the hydropath cured. Claudia says that Jesus must be protected. Peter asks permission to baptize the dropsical. After being rejected, Judas Iscariot speaks ill of Mary Magdalene. Joan suspects Judith of being pregnant. Mirian argues with Asisa. Sara and Cornelius exchange their wishes of love. Zebedee involves with Sula. Abel is disappointed after hearing the words of Jesus. Caiaphas asks Arimathea about the banquet he gave to Jesus. Helena flirts with Deborah. Peter baptizes the dropsical and calls him Raphael. Jesus is received by Shabaka at the inn. Zacchaeus says that he is not satisfied with his work. Caiaphas is angry at the family of Joseph of Arimathea. Abel says that he will leave Jerusalem and say goodbye to Jeanne. Claudia advises Antipas to call Hydroplane so that he may be his servant. Nicodemus tries to calm Caiaphas and Annas. Unfortunately, Barrabas searches for Adela and confesses that he was going to kill Jesus. Caiaphas insists Tiago Justo on the end of his engagement with Deborah. In front of the crowd, Zacchaeus climbs a tree to try to see Jesus. He is surprised to hear the Messiah calling him.
Chapter 12 6 – Thursday 17/01
Zacchaeus says that it will be a pleasure to receive Jesus in his house. Simon Zealot says that he does not trust the publican. Caiaphas presses Tiago Justo, but the boy does not reveal the reason he gave up marrying Deborah. In a conversation with Adele, Barabbas says that he acted at the request of Caiaphas. Pilate criticizes Claudia's suggestion concerning Antipas. Petronius replaces Maira Magdalena. Barabbas warns Caiaphas not to kill Jesus and threatens the high priest. Zacchaeus invites all his friends and nobles to the banquet he will offer to Jesus. The publican is disappointed to learn that no one has accepted the invitation. Susana flourishes with Mary Magdalene. Noemi notices the sadness of Petronius. Abel says goodbye to Chuza and Joana. Jesus and the apostles are received by Zacchaeus. Chapter 7 7 – Friday 18/01
Mary advises James Justo and criticizes the priests. Shabaka talks about Mirian with Nemestrino. Arimathea discovers that Caiaphas wants evil from his family. Diana agrees to marry the dropsical. Yona and Gabriela talk about their pbadions. Zacchaeus is impressed by the words of Jesus. Caiaphas is anxious to hear Livona talk about treason. Zacchaeus warns that he will give half of his property to the poor. The publican is moved by the words of Jesus. Laila feels guilty for being treated affectionately by Simon Pharisee. Asisa talks to Jairo. Jesus says that many will be called, but few will be chosen. Zacchaeus is happy. Abel says goodbye to everyone in the palace. Petronon allows the hydroplane to leave the entourage of Joana's son.
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