<img src = "https://cdn-ofuxico.akamaized.net/img/upload/novelas_interna/2019/01/10/eurico_pbada_mal_apos_ser_confrontado_por_marilda_15411_76.jpg" alt = "Judith advises Gabriel to talk to the guardians of the power of The Fountain Valentina convinced Olavo to finance the installation of the telephone antenna at Serro Azul Marilda confronts Eurico, who is wrong Authorized by Leon, Judith reveals to Gabriel that Valentina knows the healing power of the source and reveals that Sampaio has attacked his life.Junior tells Luz that she decided to install a library in the school for children
Valentina tells Eurico that Olavo wants Mirtes agrees to talk with João Inácio, Aranha and Stella about Guilherme's future Luz is surprised by Junior's behavior Geandro hides in the convent where Lourdes Maria is located Guilherme chooses to work with Tobias to continue to live with Mirtes and João Inácio and Stefânia suffer from it.
Clotilde authorizes Feliciano to participate in the inauguration of his restaurant. After talking with Cardoso, Machado tells Rita that Leonardo can start his film. Nicolas does not like to see Diana with Walid. Gabriel confronts Valentina.
The summary of the chapters in the novel is the responsibility of the broadcaster.