The train connecting Brasilia to Valparaiso will carry 600 passengers per day during the tests; see the details | Federal District


According to the Federal District Government, the pbadenger train service will be used for the first time in the 21st century in Brasilia, starting in March, following the launch of the VLT (light rail) line between Valparaíso (GO ) and the capital.

The test phase with the hearings will last from March to August. During this period, there will be two trips of 45 km per day, each with a capacity of for 600 people : in the morning, the train will leave Valparaíso in the direction of Rodoferroviária de Brasília; in the afternoon, will do the opposite.

The volume of pbadengers transported during the test phase is 0.75% of the estimated demand of the region. According to the government, 80,000 people move daily between Brasilia and Entorno Sul (West City, Jardim Ingá, Luziânia and Valparaiso).

The project referred to by the newly created DF Metropolitan Development Secretariat estimates that the trip will be completed in about 1h30 .

Today, depending on the pbadengers, the bus or car journey between these two points lasts between 50 minutes and 1 hour 40 minutes during peak hours; without traffic, it is possible to travel in less than 40 minutes.

  Train that will be used in the TLV between Valparaiso and Brasilia - Photo: TV Globo / Reproduction   Train that will be used on the VLT between Valparaiso and Brasilia - Photo: TV Globo / Play will be used in the VLT between Valparaiso and Brasilia – Photo: TV Globo / Reproduction

The train that will test the VLT will leave Recife until January 20 and is expected to arrive in Brasilia by the end of the month, according to the government. There will be three cars with a total length of 18 meters, powered by diesel.

The vehicle can reach 76 km / h . However, during the trial period, there will be a reduction of 30 km / h in some sections, due to the number of closed turns on the railway line.

During the test phase, there will be no intermediate stop.

The government has not indicated what will be the daily pbadenger capacity after August, once the test period is over. He also did not specify what would be the starting point of the VLT in Valparaíso.

Since 1991, when the Brasilia-Goiania pbadenger line was deactivated, the federal district rail network only receives freight.

  The pbadenger train bound for Goiânia-Brasilia was deactivated in 1991 - Photo: IBGE / Archive   Pbadenger train was Goiania, Brasilia road was closed in 1991 - Photo: IBGE / Archive "title = "The pbadenger train bound for Goiânia-Brasília was deactivated in 1991 - Photo: IBGE / Archive" data-src = " 893x677 / 984x0 / smart / filters : strip_icc () / i.s3. Pbadengers going to Goiânia-Brasilia were disabled in 1991 - Photo: IBGE / Archive </p>
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For 15 years, the train from Goiás had reached the Rodoferroviária de Brasilia – same structure as the one will receive the VLT from Valparaiso.

With the closure of the railway, Rodoferroviária started to operate only by bus, becoming the main interstate bus terminal of the capital.

In 2010, following the inauguration of the Interstate Highway in Brasilia, the terminal also stopped receiving this type of service and was deactivated. Today, the building houses the Secretariat of Justice, the Water Regulatory Agency (Adasa) and DF Urban Transportation (DFTrans).

Read more about the region in G1 DF.

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