The White House Security Council calls for options to attack Iran, according to the newspaper | World


The National Security Council at the White House has called on the Pentagon to propose options to attack Iran, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.

The request comes after a group of activists in harmony with Tehran launched mortar shells in an area of ​​Baghdad where the US Embbady is located. The attack, which took place last September, touched an unoccupied ground and did no harm to anyone.

The National Security Council's request, led by John Bolton, has not yet been published and raises serious concerns among Pentagon and State Department officials, the paper said. as senior officials and former US government officials.

The Pentagon accepted the request, but it is unclear whether options for an attack on Iran were also provided to the White House or whether President Donald Trump knew it.

The State Department and the Pentagon did not comment on the report.

Garrett Marquis, spokesman for the US National Security Council, said in a statement: "The NSC coordinates the policy and offers the President options to anticipate a variety of threats. "and will continue to consider" the full range of options "after the attacks.

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