Terraplanists organize a cruise to get to the "edge" of the planet


A group of terraplanists will charter a cruise ship to try to reach the Earth. The International Conference on the Earth Charter (FEIC) questions scientific evidence about the shape of the planet and states that the map of the world as we know it is flat and ends on an edge surrounded by 39, a wall of ice.

is that the cruise, described by the organization of the event as "the greatest, boldest and best adventure ever", is launched at sea in 2020. The information comes from the British newspaper The Guardian

The first major challenge facing terraplanists is precisely in the vehicle chosen to approach the edge of the Earth: all navigation instruments on board ships and ships take into account of the oval shape of the planet. In an interview with the English publication, Henk Keijer, a former naval captain, questioned the logic of the contract. Keijer cited a practical example to demonstrate the fault of the theory: according to him, the GPS is the proof that the Earth is round. "If the Earth was flat, it would have needed only three satellites to provide GPS information to all the inhabitants of the planet.They are not enough because the Earth is round.The reason why 24 satellites were used [para o GPS] is the curvature of the Earth, "he explained.

The announcement of the cruise on the page of the organization

on the cruise dates and prices, nor on the crew who should be on board. "I've traveled about two million miles, I've never met a sea captain who thinks the Earth is flat," commented the navigator.

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