Artists perform on the street Prohibited performance – Culture


The Artists Collective You're a crazy, that the day before yesterday, a staging was banned by the Secretary of State for the Culture of the River, carried out in the night of ####################################################################### Yesterday in the street, in the same staging, to protest what he called censorship. The act took place in front of France-Brazil House, a state government institution in which the activity had been promoted, at the Center, before the government's ban.

Governor Wilson Witzel (PSC) baderted that the execution was not provided for in the contract and was therefore subject to a veto, but she mainly criticized the Complete nudity of a character. In the version presented in the street, the actress wore a dress and lingerie.

Military police were also on the scene. Initially, ten police officers from the 5th BPM visited the scene. According to deputies, the goal was to prevent the act, since it was not authorized by the mayor.

However, at 6:25 pm, artists throw thousands of plastic badroaches on the paving stones of a pedestrian zone located in front of the Franco-Brazilian house and the actress, dressed, lies down between them. A tiny box next to it chanted, in an almost imperceptible volume, speeches of President Jair Bolsonaro, including the exaltation of Colonel Brilhante Ustra (1932-2015), former leader of the DOI-Codi SP during the dictatorship (1964- 1985).

The scene was a reference to the testimony of former political prey Lucia Murat. In 2013, she told the National Truth Commission that torturers "pbaded for" badroaches "in her body and put a badroach in her bad.

No members of the collective gave evidence of a" badroach ". interview

The staging would close Exposição Literatura exhibition The curator, Alvaro Figueiredo, called the ban on censorship In an interview granted Sunday, the governor of Rio denied having censored the trial According to him, the representation was not initially planned.

"The contract was violated and, once it has not been respected, it can not be executed", he said.

The curator Álvaro Figueiredo published an email on Facebook Thursday (10) of the France-Brazil House.In the text, the institution has demonstrated that she knew that the representation would take place, so much so that only the over-18s could look at it.

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