Minister Ricardo Salles suspends agreements with NGOs for 90 days


The Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, has suspended Monday (14) all agreements and partnerships of pulp and municipalities with NGOs for the next 90 days.

Ricardo Salles determined the lifting and suspension for 90 days of the execution of the agreements and partnerships concluded by the funds administered by the pulp and the following organs:

  • Brazilian Institute of the 39 Environment and renewable natural resources (Ibama) (19659006) In practice, agreements and projects can be discontinued with the measure, including the activities of According to the opinion of the Ministry of the Environment, during the In the event of suspension, the contracts and partnerships will be re-evaluated and, as a result, the current management will be able to decide which ones will be maintained and which ones will be maintained and which ones will be supported by the projects of these institutes, reports the "Metrópoles". canceled or reformulated.

    The Minister also requested a study of all disbursements made by Ministry funds, such as the Climate Fund, the National Fund for the Environment and the Amazon Fund, whose beneficiaries are third sector, declare "Estadão"

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