Feeling sad and becoming "ugly" from time to time is a natural reaction to difficult situations, such as the end of a relationship, a resignation or illness that afflicts someone who 39, we like, or even socialize daily with a boss or a colleague
Nutritionist Sabina Donadelli explains that when a person is depressed, she tends to choose unhealthy foods, abuse of sweets and alcoholic beverages . Which is a big mistake because it aggravates the feeling of "bad feeling".
"Depression can have many causes, but it's possible to fight most of them with certain foods, which will form substances that act in the brain, correcting deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, stabilizing blood sugar, bringing well-being, "said the nutritionist.
The expert explains that, regardless of your degree of depression or sadness, the judicious choice of a food can make you happier and the immediate effects.
Find Food and Advice
– Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol;
– Fill up with vitamin D (take a daily dose for 10 servings).
– Small fish, eggs, yogurts, kefir;
– Chestnut of Pará
– Chou,
– Chou,
– Chou,
– Ginger
These foods release four main hormones for the sensation of pleasure and good be: they are endorphins. , oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. The balance between them is capable of generating a feeling of greater happiness.
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