<img src = "https://statig1.akamaized.net/bancodeimagens/cv/7u/y8/cv7uy87wmi6ze0dhck37624rd.jpg" alt = "The largest white shark in the world, known as" Deep Blue " , about six meters deep, was located on the Hawaiian coast on Tuesday (17) .The divers found the animal, swam side by side and managed to capture the footage in a video. Would you dare?
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Biologists believe that the animal found on the Hawaiian coast is a female, aged about 50 years old and measuring more than six meters long. A daring diver swam alongside the shark
and managed to record the moment.
The animal was nicknamed Deep Blue
biologist Maurício Hoyos Padilha, who swam with the shark in 2015 for a Discovery Channel documentary. Scientists were surprised to see that the species has survived so long to sea pollution because of its size.
Read also: Shark is surprised a few meters from the surfer in a breathtaking video; watch
In this other video, you can see the difference in size of sharks compared to divers. He has become so famous in recent years that he has even had only one account about him in Twitter
The largest shark
Measured blank was reliably captured in Western Australia in 1984, six meters from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Melanie Hutchinson, shark specialist at the University of Hawaii, told local radio KHON2 that the animal could reach 6.5 meters long.
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