Anac executes the return of ten aircraft Avianca Brasil – 01/17/2019 – Market


The Anac (National Agency of Civil Aviation) announced Thursday (17) that it would execute the return of ten Avianca Brasil aircraft, whose bankruptcy would have taken place in December.

As a result of the announcement made by the agency, the airline issued a note denying the possibility of the measure. He says that he "works normally" and that he will take the "appropriate measures".

Anac warns that this could have an impact on planned flights for the next days and guides pbadengers with purchased tickets that contact the company. Under the agency's rules, the airline must reimburse travelers or reorganize them for flights from other companies.

The airline was negotiating a return report with the aircraft leasing companies that had requested the reinstatement of the series of unsuccessful debt negotiation attempts.

The company currently operates 46 aircraft.

At the moment, Anac's measurement covers ten Airbus A320 aircraft and is the result of a request made by leasing company GE Capital Aviation Services, owner of the aircraft.

The request to return to Anac was made Tuesday (15). The day before, the airline had participated Monday, January 14 in a conciliation hearing before the 1st Court of Bankruptcy and Adjustment Court of São Paulo, during which it had committed to submit until February 1 proposals for payment of debts due or a plan for the return of the aircraft.

Under this agreement, Avianca Brasil would earn 15 days without having to remove an aircraft.

"Avianca Brasil clarifies that the news posted on Anac's website disagrees with the judicial decision rendered on January 14. The company says that it is operating normally and that it will take the appropriate measures, "says the company's rating. .

On Thursday, he announced the removal of his most important international flights (from Guarulhos to New York, Miami and Santiago), as well as the return of two other A330s to rental companies.

The cancellation of the registration of the aircraft announced Thursday can occur within a maximum of five business days, and then the return of the aircraft will be immediate, according to Anac. To claim the measure, despite what was agreed at Monday's hearing (14), the lessor is based on the Cape Town Agreement, which protects the right to restitution of property in case of non-payment. [19659002] "The process of withdrawal of the aircraft from the registration of Anac is in accordance with the provisions of the Cape Town Convention, promulgated by Decree No. 8.008 / 2013, which provides for the flexible withdrawal of the aircraft by the owner in case of failure, "the statement said. According to Anac, the measure was intended to reduce the risk of financing high-value badets in aviation contracts.

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