For judges and lawyers, Supreme Court trial may be damaged and may compromise Flávio Bolsonaro – Panel


That you dug with your feet It is still priceless the damage that the action brought by the 01, Flávio and kissed by Luiz Fux, of the STF, can cause to the Bolsonaro clan. The eldest son of the president seized the country's highest court, opened a breach for the PGR's offensive on his father and used some of the alternatives that might be useful to him in the future. If the case is referred to the court of first instance, the reporter, Marco Aurélio Mello, will put a stone in the chances that the defense will later plead its findings as part of the investigation.

Backfire Ultimately, Flavio's defense gave him the chance that, by his decision, Marco Aurélio Mello will validate up to now all the actions of the Rio Attorney General's Office. 19659003] Study Missed Some rumors have been the subject of investigations that have reached higher courts due to formal procedural defects in the lawsuit. Sand Castle is perhaps one of the most famous

Collateral Effect The rapporteur still has some leeway to seek an opinion at the Attorney General's office. Hence the risk that the check sent by the former driver to the First Lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, becomes visible to the STF. The president has already said that the recipient of the money was him.

But already? The STF ministers were astonished at the scale of the mess. "The plot is not good and the driver arrived too early," said a court member, referring to the official who played a central role in the fall of Fernando Collor.

the case on vacation. "There is no haste or urgency." He stated however that in theory, Fux himself could reverse the lock he imposed on the investigation.

Close the mouth The action of Flávio to arm by appealing to the special forum of the STF also gave rise to speeches of judges and former judges who sympathize with the Bolsonaro. Sergio Moro, April 2018, called the forum a "shield" for the corrupt. A month earlier, Marcelo Bretas had declared that the prerogative was "corruption".

My interest The rumored trip of the PSL parliamentarians in China was organized by Vinicius Aquino, Alexandre Frota's advisor.

Doeu Criticism of his entourage by the guru Olavo de Carvalho – and the resulting reaction of the sons and advisers of Bolsonaro, in the networks – an alarmed part of the deputies who went through the trip and ignored Aquino's program.

Why not me In the group of deputies elected by the PSL, there was an exchange of burrs and questions. In addition to those who openly criticized the trip, there were some who asked what was the selection criterion to highlight the names given freely to China. Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), MP Arthur Lira (PP-AL) was Wednesday (16) with Minister Onyx Lorenzoni (Civil House). He said that there was only one difference between the economic agenda that he defended and the one sponsored by the Democrat: "I have some firmness in what I hold. " The foreigners. Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) tries to promote an armistice with Arthur.

The white flag? Candidate for re-election as Speaker of the House, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) is trying to promote an armistice with Arthur Read. Through their allies, the two men spoke of an agreement, but they did not hit.

PT President, Gleisi Hoffmann, on behalf of the PT, and the PT President

PT President, Gleisi Hoffmann, the FST Minister suspended the calculation that reaches the elected Senator Flávio Bolsonaro

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