The sergeant's body killed by "likely burnout" after a fitness test will be concealed inside the SP | Sorocaba and Jundiaí


Gabriel Trettel Telles, head of communications for the army in Rio de Janeiro, said he was the third sergeant and that he had been ill Wednesday during a test for Sign up for a basic parachuting course. A group of soldiers followed the course and he alone fell ill.

Still according to the Colonel, the physical test usually consists of sit-ups, races, push-ups and climbing rope. Gabriel had a bad feeling and was immediately taken to the general hospital of the military village and then transferred to the central hospital of the army. After three days in the hospital, his death was confirmed Saturday night (19).

According to the East Military Command (CML), the army died of "complications caused by thermal exhaustion" during the battery of physical exercises. "Despite all life support procedures and protocols, he unfortunately pbaded away on the night of January 20," he said.

In a note, the CML also lamented the incident and indicated that she was providing support to Gabriel's relatives. "CML members stand in solidarity with Sgt Telles' family at this time of pain and sorrow, to which all spiritual, psychological and administrative support is provided," he concluded.

Gabriel was born and raised in Itu, but was working for the 21st anniversary of the death of the third sergeant, who will have a period of 40 days for investigations. Benedito Celso Telles, a police officer from the Itu area

The sergeant's funeral must be held Monday morning (21), at the city cemetery, the Rio de Janeiro army members must go to return to Itu for their funeral

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