The city of Bertioga has confirmed the death of a resident of the city by yellow fever. The case, which circulates in social networks, warns about the importance of the vaccine, offered for free by the SUS. The name of the victim has not been revealed.
According to a note published by the town hall, the resident contracted the disease in São Sebastião, where he worked. Therefore, he notes that he has not registered any indigenous cases, that is, originating from the municipality. In addition to stressing the need for vaccination, the Department of Health also warns the population that if it finds dead monkeys, it communicates with the authorities.
The application of the vaccine against yellow fever is contraindicated for children under 9 months; pregnant women; women badfeeding their children until the age of 6 months; Patients receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy or high-dose corticosteroids
should consult their physician regarding the need for the vaccine: HIV patients, patients treated with complete neoplasia, transplant patients, hemophiliacs or people with blood disorders and [19659003] Yellow fever is an infectious disease transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. It can affect humans and animals, such as great apes. There is no direct person-to-person transmission.
The main symptoms of yellow fever are fever, chills, headache, body aches, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. The clinical manifestation includes hepatic and renal failure and may progress to death.
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