The rescue of a boy fallen into a well in Spain arrives at the most delicate stage | World


Rescue teams arrive Tuesday (22) on the most difficult stage of the search for the 2-year-old boy fallen into a pit at Totalán, in southern Spain. This week the miners continued to excavate part of the drill parallel to the hole where little Julen fell eight days ago.

The idea is to try to open a pbadage horizontally between the two tunnels, in the depth where the rescuers believe the boy is.

Julen fell from a well 25 centimeters in diameter and 107 meters deep, which led to an unprecedented rescue operation in the history of Spain. The authorities and the boy's family hope to find him alive.

However, this latest phase of operations is also considered the most difficult for first responders, reported Reuters. "The most dangerous and delicate part remains to be done," said engineer Juan Lopez Escobar at Cbad Sur.

"It's a complicated job and lives will be in danger, but they have trained and are the best," said Lopez Escobar

The risk increases because a piece of the well is clogged with debris. Earth. It is feared that some of the soil will fall on the child, which would reduce the chances of finding him alive.

  A drill is seen next to diggers and trucks drawing sand in the area where a boy fell into a deep well in Totalan, Spain - Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters <img clbad = " image content-media__ picture "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" A drill is seen next to the trucks and shovels (Reuters) – A drill is seen next to diggers and trucks drawing sand in the area where a boy is fell on a rock in the area where a boy fell into a deep well in Totalan, Spain .a deep well in Totalan, Spain .. – Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters "data-src =" https: // s2.×2334/1008×0/100/smart/filters i.s3.glbim g) / v1 / AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a / internal_photos / bs / 2019/5/5 / H / PYfalmT66uoytm46wrTw / 2019-01-19t111727z- 365162054-rc1c97ebcf30-en- 3+ Along with backhoes and trucks pulling sand in the area where a boy is t fell into a well in Totalan, Spain – Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters

More than 300 people in charge of finding the boy are running against the clock when you face several difficulties during a week of research . Meanwhile, the family, especially the parents, accompanied by psychologists, live with anxiety.

The president of the Málaga fire department, Francisco Delgado, explained that "all possible scenarios" had been examined in such a way that there was "an immediate response to any problem that may arise".

"There is nothing by chance here, on the contrary, we have reached a critical role in which we must guarantee ourselves to the maximum," said Delgado.

After the tunnel has reached the 60-meter height projected by rescue teams – diggers must intubate the borehole to ensure safety and prevent landslides. From there, the miners can enter a cage to try to save the boy.

Spanish miners and engineers are accompanied by a Swedish company that helped to find and rescue 33 Chilean minors imprisoned in a mine near Copiapó, Chile, in 2010.

  A heart-shaped plate bearing the name of Julen in place near the pit where the 2-year-old boy fell in a pit, Spain - Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Heart-shaped plate bearing the name of Julen, placed near the well where the 2-year-old boy fell into a well in Spain – Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters" title = "Heart-shaped plate Name of Julen near the well where the 2 year old boy fell in a well in Spain – Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters "data-src =" v1 / s

A heart-shaped plate bearing the Julen's name is up near the well where the 2-year-old boy fell into a well in Spain – Photo: Jon Nazca / Reuters

In Spain, children and families attend candlelight vigils in prayer for Julen's life. Before the boy's disappearance, his family experienced another tragedy with the death of his three-year-old son, a victim of cardiac arrest.

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