The Attorney General of the Republic of Korea, Eduardo Gussem, informed on Monday (21) that 27 MPs were under investigation in the civil field for administrative improbability. The list also includes 75 advisers who have recorded bank movements well above what they receive or receive. The national newspaper located the advisers of some of these deputies to inquire suspicious movements, according to the Coaf ( see in the above report ).
Suspicious data is reported to the Financial Activities Control Board (Coaf). The MP's investigation wants to know the origin and destination of financial transactions and also seeks to clarify whether these officials were obliged to pbad a portion of the salaries received to deputies, or even if they were " "ghosts", so that parliamentarians end up with wages. 21 of the 27 deputies interviewed by the deputy – Photo: Reproduction / Television Globo "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAFgABAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQMC / 8QAFgEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwIE / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAGdkovm0wWokf / EAB0QAAEEAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAQIEBRETFBX / 2gAIAQEAAQUCuDN2tWHgAhBzVjFAuS8NmjPEB5V 8QAGBEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAzH // / // 2gAIAQMBAT8BnSWi2nw 8QAGBEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECETH / 2gAIAQIBAT8Bqa0hNdP / xAAjEAACAQMEAQUAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEAAxIEECIxExQyNFFx / 9oACAEBAAY / Amg63FzA8Pt6FH5tmROJRW6MVbT0 rOfZeIH7tlzFyZbmYoKHYAfTGrTk3GNs5LLdbf + / xAAeEAEBAAICAgMAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMVFBcWGRof / aAAgBAQABPyGhtMxGij1f24IwlBRbEb7p5lxJmCcITavRfvLkG5wh00HZpwNFgOFxv3owK1I6drPneXP / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEFbf / 8QAGBEAAgM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERUbH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QVYyhih // xAAVEQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAP / aAAgBAgEBPxASiWf / xAAdEAEBAAIDAQEBAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMVFhQXGR / 9oACAEBAAE / EChZwvlo4p5AuN43eBpBASaLUlDkwlyU1baUYTrQIrl9n8yly1WdUOhA7A73kNmhlDBokc31PXFhwAFVQDSl3 + fDK8z / 2Q == "/>
Of the 27 respondents, 21 names became public.
- André Ceciliano (PT), current president of the house
- Átila Nunes (MDB)
- Benedito Alves Costa (PRB)
- Carlos Minc. Jairo (MDB)
- Dr. (19659008)
- Luiz Martins (MDB)
- Eliomar Coelho (PSOL)
- Eliomar Coelho (PSOL)
- The author of this article, (PHS)
- Paulo (19659008) Paulo Márquez (PHS)
- Paulo Márquez (PHS)
- Paulo Márquez (PHS)
- In the investigation of the Coaf, Elisângela Barbieri, advisor to the acting president of Alerj, representing André Ceciliano
- Pedro Augusto's (PSD)
- of Uncle Carlos (Solidarity)
- of Waldeck Carneiro (PT), is the one who handled the largest amount. Between January 2011 and July 2017, there was 26.5 million R $. Many of the transfers received by Elisângela are related to a building materials company.
R $ 10.8 million is check deposits, the main depositors being companies in the sector: wholesale of building materials in general. But there are also deposits and transfers from two Alerj servers.
Acting Member of Parliament, André Ceciliano (PT), stated that he had gathered information from his advisers and made the tax, banking and telephone secret available to the MP.
With a salary of 2400 per month, Jorge Luiz de Oliveira Fernandes is an administrative badistant at Alerj and does not work in any office. The Coaf report pointed out that Jorge Luiz had received more than 24.4 thousand rand between January 2016 and January 2017. However, the former adviser had transferred to the bank a value 35 times higher than that of the period. Nearly R $ 850,000. During a conversation with TV Globo, he explained the move in the following manner:
"What happened to me is this: like that, my ex-director, I've always made for him, he bought the equipment at the brick, on the ground … he wanted to buy the car, i would buy it for him.I liked it, i was going to go there. to buy.But that, his money.Is a very good salary, as with other people.He asked: "I do not have a car, I do not have new property, I do not live rent, it's the legacy of my grandfather, I have nothing. "
But the Coaf said that, on behalf of Jorge Luiz only, Alerj's 17 advisers made deposits.
One of those who transferred money to Jorge Luiz was Danielle Motta Pereira Antunes, from Colonel Jairo's Deputy Office, MDB. Was R $ 41,000, which represents almost everything she's ar received, representing 94% of the remuneration.
Deputy Colonel Jairo's defense indicated that the parliamentarian had not been informed of this report.
Maria Teresa Avance de Oliveira, adviser to MPP Eliomar Coelho, earned $ 87,000 in 13 months. However, R $ 60,000 of his salary went directly to the account of the chief of staff, Eduardo Augusto Botelho.
MP Eliomar Coelho said that his adviser to the chief of staff had been closed and had said that he would go to the MP's house to resolve any doubts.
André Santolia da Silva Costa, advisor to MP Márcio Pacheco, PSC, processed more than R $ 1.7 million, also over a period of 13 months. Of this total, more than R $ 640,000 came from Alerj server accounts.
Also according to the Coaf, the deputy head of cabinet Pedro Augusto, PSD, is the record holder on the move. He received deposits from 21 Alerj servers. Another advisor, Sandro Rosário Soares de Sena, handled more than R $ 1.3 million in one year and seven months. He is deputy head of the parliament of deputy Pedro Augusto.
At TV Globo, Sandro says that he is calm in face of the movements identified by Coaf and justifies saying that he has a repository of recyclable materials.
"At the right time, I will introduce it, I will justify it … We have friends, a colleague asks for money, a gift … A normal thing … lend a thousand, two thousand, the type pays … "
But the Coaf report still shows much higher deposits. Evaluator Valdineia da Silva Moraes transferred more than 32,000 dollars to Sandro.
An badistant advisor to Carlos Minc, PSB, also draws attention to the amount of deposits he has received. Antônio Lisboa Melo de Oliveira has processed more than half a million reais in 13 months. Some of this money comes from Alerj's servers.
According to the Coaf ratio, R $ 161,729.00 came from transfers received from individuals, including Alerj employees, and legal persons. In addition, he personally gave money to the staff of the House.
"There are people here who have loans with people, understood?" Bank loans that the person took to Itaú for me, understood? And what happens, I pay them every month. Money borrowed, understood? Everyone is among us, "he explained.
MP Carlos Minc said that his adviser's movements resulted from loans made to acquaintances and that there had been no increase in the badets of him or her. ;agent.
In another case, Marcelo Donato Faria do Carmo, Parliamentary Counselor of Iranildo Campos, Solidarity, uses the same argument. He transferred R $ 75,000 to his colleague Katia Lima Rocha Machado da Silva, which is 65% of his income in 13 months.
"I often asked her to put my money in front of me, because I was having financial difficulties at the time, because I was working and she gave me some money. money several times, "said Marcelo.
There are also several cases of advisers whose salaries are lower, but whose movements are important in Alerj. Fatima Souza Maranhão da Silva, from the office of MP Coronel Jairo, MDB, received R $ 1,611 per month. E generated $ 391,000 in one year. Of this total, R $ 101,000,000 came from transfers of persons, including ten employees of Alerj.
Winston Soares de Melo, also advisor to Colonel Jairo, received a salary of R $ 4,091. But he moved R $ 486,000. In this case, Colonel Jairo himself transferred $ 9,500 to the appraiser.
Coronel Jairo is one of ten deputies arrested by the Federal Police as part of Operation Furna da Onça, who ordered the payment of bribes and the apportionment of charges.
Already Marcelo Costa Barros Pose, advisor to the former president of Alerj, Jorge Picciani, MDB, under house arrest by the operation Cadeia Velha, processed 1.2 million in 13 months. Of this total, more than R $ 100,000 was deposited by natural persons, including 16 Alerj servers.
The defense of Jorge Picciani stated that the member had never had a connection with Marcelo Pose and that he hoped that he would clarify the facts for the member's sake.
TV Globo was not able to contact the other legislators cited in the report.