Two firefighters missing after Brumadinho dam broke, fire officials say


RIO – Firemen of Minas Gerais confirmed Friday afternoon the disappearance of 200 people, following
of the Brumadinho dam rupture
, in the metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte.

According to the company, the command of operations was set up at the social center of Córrego do Feijão, near the football field and the Catholic Church of the municipality. This area is used as a space for victim badessment and screening for medical care.

The operation has 51 military firefighters and six aircraft. At 3:50 pm I reject it
reaches the Paraopeba River

Earlier, Vale had already indicated in a note that residues
reaches the administrative area of ​​the company
and part of the community of Vila Ferteco and that there were employees of the mining company at the time of dissolution.

"There were employees in the administrative area affected by the tailings, indicating the possibility, not yet confirmed, of victims." The Vila Ferteco community has also been affected, "the company said in a statement.

The wounded are taken to Belo Horizonte hospital

The João XXIII Hospital in Belo Horizonte launched the emergency plan for the care of victims in disaster after the breakup of Vale's tailings dam Friday in Brumadinho, in the Metrolitan region of the mining capital.

According to the Department of Health of the State of Minas Gerais (SES), Friday afternoon Friday, four victims were admitted to John XXIII. Two of them lied to the helicopter around 3 pm Their state of health, according to the record, is considered stable.

Later, two other people were admitted to the hospital: a man and a woman. They arrived by ambulance.

The disaster emergency plan of the unit means that virtually all emergency activities of the hospital will be focused on the care of the victims of the disruption. With this, the trauma room should have its beds available to them. Stable patients who are on site will be transferred to other spaces.

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