At WYD, Pope Francisco says feminicide is a plague in Latin America | New


On the occasion of this year's World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francisco said that feminicide is a plague affecting Latin America.

A journey with strong messages that the pope addressed to the leaders of Latin America. Encourage them to avoid corruption, fight organized crime and drug trafficking. And also, fight against the murder of women.

The Pope declared that these crimes had become a "scourge" in this part of the continent. According to the UN, 2,800 women were victims of a feminicide in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2017.

For the opening of World Youth Day, the Pope proposed the courage to change the world.

The crisis in Venezuela led the bishops of Panama to present a document to the Venezuelan political authorities in order to prevent any violent repression and to allow the right to protest and freedom of expression.

Pope Francisco is very concerned about the people of Venezuela and fears what the army can do.

At the age of 82, tired by the long journey, Francisco (25) traveled 50 km to meet young prisoners.

The pope heard the confessions of five imprisoned young men and greeted 450 others. He spoke against labels stigmatizing the past, the present and the future of the people. Francisco will spend the weekend with thousands of young people at the most important stage of World Youth Day.

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