Vaccination against yellow fever takes place this Saturday in Guarujá, SP | Saints and Region


To raise awareness of the importance of vaccination against yellow fever, the Guarujá prefecture, on the coast of São Paulo, organizes a campaign on Saturday (26) in the communities of Prainha Branca and Perequê.

According to the information provided by the town hall, more than 190,000 people have already been vaccinated against yellow fever in the city and the goal is to vaccinate more than 276,000 inhabitants.

Neighborhoods were chosen because of the proximity of Bertioga, a city that recorded a yellow fever victim at the Baixada Santista this year. In addition, other people have already died of the disease in Eldorado, in the Ribeira Valley.

Still according to the municipality, vaccination will take place from 9 am to 2 pm in both places. Throughout the activity, the Dengue Fighting Team will be present to perform the "house to house" when removing breeding sites.

The city also recalls that the vaccine can be found in 20 health centers (UBS and Usafas), from 9h to 15h.

Vaccination is contraindicated in children under 9 months of age, pregnant women, women badfeeding for at least 6 months, patients receiving chemotherapy, radiation or high dose corticosteroids.

If in doubt, seek medical attention for authorization. They should also consult their doctor about the need for the vaccine, HIV carriers, patients treated for a completed neoplasm, transplant recipients, hemophiliacs, or those suffering from blood diseases or sickle cell disease.

Infectious disease transmitted by bites of infected mosquitoes, which can affect humans and animals, such as monkeys. There is no direct person-to-person transmission. The vaccine is the main tool for preventing and controlling the disease.

The main symptoms are fever, chills, headache, body aches, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The clinical manifestation includes hepatic and renal failure, capable of killing.

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