Volunteers call for temporary suspension of donations


BRUMADINHO – Volunteers in support of Brumadinho and neighboring towns demand that donations be suspended until further notice.

– We have nowhere to store supplies, so we ask the staff to wait until the middle of the week ", 29-year-old Janice Maia, in charge of receiving donations at Carmela Caruso Municipal School Aluotto of Casa Branca.

  Cow trapped in mud in the district of Córrego do Feijão. Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
Cow stuck in the mud in the district of Córrego do Feijão. Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
  The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, during the overflight of the region affected by the rupture of the dam of Mina Córrego do Feijão, in Brumadinho / MG. Isac Nóbrega / PR / Isac Nóbrega / PR
The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, during the overflight of the region affected by the rupture of the dam of Mina Córrego do Feijão, in Brumadinho / MG.
<img src = "http://oglobo.globo.com/" data-src = "https://ogimg.infoglobo.com.br/in/23404682-139-096/FT1086A/652/xBombeiros- militares-transportam-o-cadaver-de-uma-vitima-recuperada-da-lama.jpg.pagespeed.ic.C2kUYDli2I.jpg "alt =" Firefighters recover the body from the area affected by mud in the stream of beans DOUGLAS MAGNO / AFP
<img src = "http://www.globo.com/" data-src = "https://ogimg.infoglobo.com.br/in/23404682-139-096/FT1086A/ 652 / xBombeiros-militares-transportam-o-cadaver-de-uma-vitima-recuperada-da-lama.jpg.pagespeed.ic.C2kUYDli2I.jpg "alt =" Firefighters recover the body from the area affected by the mud in DOUGLAS MAGNO / AFP bean stream
<img src = "http://oglobo.globo.com/" data-src = "https://ogimg.infoglobo.com.br/in/23404682-139- 096 / FT1086A / 652 / xBombeiros-militares-transportam-o-cadaver-de-uma-vitima-recuperada-da-lama.jpg.pagespeed.ic.C2kUYDli2I.jpg "alt =" Military firefighters transport the body of the deceased. a victim r cupérée mud DOUGLAS MAGNO / AFP
 Firefighters arrive by helicopter after rescue attempts. Márcia Foletto / Agencia O Globo
Houses affected by mud in the district of Córrego do Feijão Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo ” clbad=”photo-gallery-teaser__image”/>
Houses affected by mud in the district of Córrego do Feijão Márcia ” clbad=”photo-gallery-teaser__image”/>
Firefighters arrive by helicopter after rescue attempts. Márcia Foletto / Agência Globo Foletto / Agência O Globo
 First area affected by mud, in Córrego do Feijão, district of Brumadinho. At this place were the refectory and the administration of Vale, as well as some houses and the hostel Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
First area reached by the mud, in Córrego do Feijão, district of Brumadinho . At this place were the refectory and the administration of Vale, as well as some houses and the hostel Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
 Affected homes at Parque Cachoeira, district of Brumadinho Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
district of Brumadinho Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
 Affected houses in the park Cachoeira, district of Córrego do Feijão Márcia Foletto / Agência O Globo
Affected houses in the park Cachoeira, District de Córrego do Feijão Foletto 19659021] The inhabitants observe the debris of a house destroyed by the rupture of the Mina do Feijão. Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto
  The inhabitants observe the debris of a house destroyed by the breakage of the Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto bean mine dam
. Anael Jose da Silva, 34, who fled the mud then returned to search for the calopsita. Daniel Marenco / Agência O Globo ” clbad=”photo-gallery-teaser__image”/>
Anael Jose da Silva, 34, who fled the mud to join his wife Marineide Santos, 30, was waiting to be accommodated in a hotel in the city. look for calopsita. Daniel Marenco / Agência O Globo
 José María Medeiros, 40, was working on a farm near the place of the accident. José Maria Medeiros, 40, was working on a farm very close to the accident site and helped save a woman from the middle of the mud Daniel Marenco / Agência O Globo
Daniel Marenco / Agência O Globo [19659007]  Brumadinho road to the White House was completely covered by mud caused by the rupture of the Vale Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto mining dam
The road between Brumadinho at the White House was completely covered by mud Vale Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto mine
 Romeo Simões de Brito, who lived in Parque Cachoeira, sees the wreckage of his house Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto
Romeu Simões de Brito, who lived at Park Cachoeira, sees the debris of his house Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto
 Romeo Simões de Brito managed to save the dog Luna Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto
Marcia Foletto
  Dam No. 1 of the Mina do Feijao Dam, Vale Mining Company, in Brumadinho (MG), metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte, over 300 people have disappeared, according to firefighters of Minas Gerais Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto
Out of Dam 1 from Feijao Mine, Vale Mining Company, in Brumadinho (MG), Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area, Leaving More Marcia Foletto / Marcia Foletto

Previously, the coordinator of the MG's civil defense, Evandro Borges, had already stated that for the moment donations are not a priority, but that people who wish to do so can go to the military police. According to him, donations should focus on non-perishable foods, water and cleaning products.

Colonel Edgard Estevo, commander of the Minas Gerais Fire Department, announced Saturday that 299 people were reported missing in Brumadinho (MG). Eleven bodies were removed from the disaster area. According to the commander, the research work should last for weeks.

* Special for THE GLOBO

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