The death toll in Brumadinho reaches 37; it is missing more than 250


The fire department updated Sunday morning (27) the number of bodies found after rupture of the dam of the Vale mining company in Brumadinho, in the 39th. Agglomeration of Belo Horizonte, in the Friday (25).

Eight people have already been identified, the first being Marcelle Porto Cangussu, who worked at Vale for five years.

More than 250 people have been identified, people are still missing, while 192 have been saved alive. There are hospitalized and homeless victims.

Vale's president, Fabio Schvarstman, said he was "dismayed" by the break-up of the mining dam and said he did not know the causes of the tragedy nor its exact size.

A crisis cabinet for the Brumadinho tragedy is currently Asa College, located just over six kilometers from the scene of the accident.

In an interview with a Brumadinho radio station, President Jair Bolsonaro said the city's dam failure could be avoided.

All about the rupture of the dam at Brumadinho

; all dead

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